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Posts posted by KarmannGhiaa

  1. 4 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    You don't have to pay rent with Premium if you use a Linden Home, and you don't have to pay for Premium if you only want to rent a place from someone else.

    If your concern is the automatic renewal with paid accounts, I don't know what to do about that except to write the renew date on a calender and tell one of your friends or family members if you're afraid you might miss it for any reason. You might also use PayPal to pay and be sure you have at least $ 99 in there to cover it or keep $ 99 in your SL dollar account.

    In order for me to downgrade I have to give up the linden home, so I would need to rent somewhere for the remainder of my premium time. That's the main problem. If I could downgrade without being forced to immediately abandon land, I'd be ok.

  2. 14 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:
    • There actually is such a thing as a "Second Lifetime Premium" that only charges one time, so there's no "renewal" involved. I got one of these at the last SL Birthday celebration and it was promoted as a rare thing, so maybe it'll never be an option again, but you might keep your eyes open during the upcoming Birthday, just in case they decide it's a successful program worth repeating. (You could ask Billing about it while you have them on the phone; they'll surely say they aren't privy to such discussions, but hearing continued interest might improve the odds of a repeat offer.)
    • What I'd do when this all falls through: remove all payment methods from the account's Billing Information page until just before renewal time, let it renew, then remove it again.

    That lifetime premium would have been amazing. I'm sad that I missed it. 

    I guess I'll just do premium and rent. Cancel and repeat each year. It really is unfortunate that I'll have to pay rent again when technically I pay for rent with premium. It's a terrible system.

  3. That's the issue. I don't mind paying for a year or more up front. 

    I had a friend pass away in RL who had her account auto-renew shortly after her passing. The renewal caused a lot of drama with her family. Sadly, we never know when it's "our time." I don't want anything like that happening. That's why I ended premium after 5 years.

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  4. Well, my plan really is to upgrade, have land, downgrade a few months later but still live on the land. Upgrade again when my premium expires and downgrade a month or so later again, repeating the process.

    Basically, I want a premium plan with out the automatic billing. If they had that as an option, I would already be using that.


  5. Hi everyone. I'm looking for some clarification please. If I have land and I want to downgrade, am I still able use the land up to the downgrade date if it is assigned to a group?

    So let's say my renewal/downgrade date is September 30th and it want to start the process in July. Will I be able to downgrade and still have use of the Group assigned land?

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