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Posts posted by MelissaAshLake

  1. Thank you all for your wonderful effective help! I created a cube, flattened it so that the red arrow in and out sides are large and the others small. I noticed that the furware text can only be read when viewed from one side, so I rotated the furware widget 180 degrees, and then move it to just in front of the cube on the side where the red arrow enters and linked the prims. And now if I attach the thing as a hud, viola, I see the text!

    Thank you!

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  2. I suspected it is something like that, because if I manually make text via my own textures I need to make sure it sets it on all sides for it to be visible, I am not sure sure how to fix it when using one of those text generation scripts. I dont see an option for telling it which side or for changing how the prims attach as a hug. I am sure there is some simple setting or trick I am missing.

  3. Hi, I used FURWARE Text to create a 1x1, 8 face prim. I added the furware script to the prim and then I also added a MyScript with this in it:

            llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!");
        touch_start(integer total_number)
            llSay(0, "Touched.");
    link_message(integer sender, integer num, string str, key id) {
        if (id == "fw_ready") {
            llOwnerSay("FW text is up and running!");
            // Start sending some initialization stuff.
            llMessageLinked(sender, 0, "c=red",        "fw_conf");
            llMessageLinked(sender, 0, "North", "fw_data : Direction");
            // ...

    And the rezzed prim works and shows red "North" Text. SUPER!

    Now i take this prim and from my inventory and I attach it as hud to the center.  I can see all the script messages suggesting it worked and I can right click on my screen and edit the prim and see the prim big and center on my screen. BUT not I see no text on it.

    What am I missing?

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