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Posts posted by RexOSaurus

  1. 25 minutes ago, Victoria Lovelace said:

    Check out Philosophy House. They have group meetings that might align with some of your interests.  I have not personally attended any of their groups, so I can't vouch for them, I just know of them.

    I will definitely look into them. Thank you for recommending it! I really appreciate it. 😁

  2. 3 hours ago, Polenth Yue said:

    Second Pride runs a few events through the year. They might be a bit more dance party than you'd like, though you can wander the regions and find info on other groups in some of the stalls/shops.

    * * Fantasy Faire Fans * * is for the event starting on 18th April (2024). Fantasy Faire has a whole bunch of stuff, but it specifically has a literary festival. This page will have more info closer to the time, but you can see some of the stuff they've done before. https://fantasyfairesl.wordpress.com/literary-festival-2024/

    SL Sci-Fi Con is a group for a science fiction event (that starts on 24th May this year). Also has an associated Discord, which posts a lot of events for other scifi-related communities through the year. The booths usually include some gaming and tech stuff, as well as the more classic scifi things.

    Bellisseria Citizens wins for the most random chit-chat of the groups I'm in. Even if you don't have a Linden Home, it's a fairly casual place to get used to talking to people in groups. Also not connected to an event, so people chat most days, rather than mainly around event time.

    I'm not part of any comedy or debate groups, so I don't have any suggestions for those.

    I really appreciate this information! Thank you so much. I will look into these.

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  3. Hey there! I am Rex. I'm a 36 year old dude whose part of the LGBTQ community. I just recently started getting on SL as an alternative to meeting people/making friends. I was hoping to find a group or individual people that are newbie friendly. It's hard for me to just jump into a conversation in the public areas because that's just not something that seems normal to do IRL (go up to a group of people on the street and just join their conversation). I was hoping that anyone could guide me to any groups/locations on SL that might be good to join (and that are active) for conversations.

    Some of my interests include:

    • All things technology. AI, VR, Computers, House-wide Systems. The techier the better.
    • Gaming. Mostly into simulation/open world games but do enjoy the occasional shooter, action-adventure
    • Reading
    • Stand-up comedy
    • LGBT
    • Thought-provoking Conversations (religion, politics, philosophy, the human condition, science, etc)

    I used the group search before, but a lot of what I am finding is mostly nsfw adult related or music/dance club oriented. I'm partnered so I don't care to delve into the adult side with anyone else (unless its like a roundtable discussion) and I've found plenty of places I enjoy for music.


    I appreciate any guidance, recommendations, etc anyone has for me. I'm excited to be here and part of SL! 😁

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