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Posts posted by SkylarRein1229

  1. On 6/21/2024 at 11:38 AM, SylviElle Zaftig said:

    Yeah, no thanks, just re-installed the last FS.

    Too bright, which makes my head hurt (migraine level). I do use NAM's Optimal and when I changed it to Noon (legacy) it was nicer. But, FPS went down considerably. I am running - CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor   (3900 MHz) / Memory: 65463 MB (Used: 1087 MB) /Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050/PCIe/SSE2 (8G), not the newest by any means but am getting 100+ FPS on my platform with Shadows on. 1TB Fiber up/down, I rarely ever have problems rezzing anything.

    Ran new FS and at the most was getting 30FPS and textures were loading really slowly. TPing around made my mesh body/head invisible (Lelutka/reborn) and even spending 20 minutes after tping, the body/head never rezzed (weirdly enough my clothing did).

    I hope this isn't something we HAVE to use in the future. I don't think my eyes can take the strain.

    You can change the exposure in Avatar>Preferences>Graphics

  2. On 6/21/2024 at 9:37 AM, William Gide said:

    Not for Mac users. Or at least, not for me (and I'm running on a high-end Mac Mini, m2-pro, acquired a few weeks ago). For the first time in quite a while, the official SL viewer runs better than FS, which is choking on textures for some reason. I've attached some images of what my experience is like now with the FS PBR viewer. With the official viewer the texture loads are much snappier, which is the only time the official viewer has been faster than FS on texture loads on my home Mac in my entire SL lifetime. We won't even talk about what happens if I want to turn on shadows for a nicer snapshot.

    I just deleted the new viewer and went back to the previous version. This is not a pleasant state of affairs for a supposedly supported platform. I realize this is much about decisions Apple has made, but it's still quite frustrating. I gather everyone out there with less snappy PCs are in the same boat. I do wonder how far LL thinks people will keep visiting if the tech costs keep mounting.post-PBR_001.thumb.png.cc72391dfc66abafd7b1392ced63ed37.pngpost-PBR_003.thumb.png.1cd4af3d20a5be3a5845b970b892a5fc.png


    It may be your firewall.  Read up on this and try it

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