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Everything posted by hyacinthlilies

  1. yeah i guess i was kinda in the blame since it didnt had a demo, but items like the one i bought never have demos. i guess next time i shouldnt buy something without a demo. lesson learned
  2. Just wanted to vent. I had the worst experience with a store today, the customer service is horrible. I was trying to get ahold of the managers or store owner due to getting a bad item. And tried to contact the manager to receive assistance with the matter. Turns out they never responded. I sent many notecards over the months, since April. No response. So i decided to find other ways to contact them... Turns out they sent me a rude message afterwards. Lmao. Like i was in the wrong, when they ignored my notecards over and over again. Glad i got a refund and wont visit that store again. Ugh. Did anyone had this wacky experience before? Is there a way to get into groups, forums, places, etc. to read customers reviews about stores and their customer service? Just so i can avoid this in the future with another store. I would like to NOT SUPPORT this behavior and businesses.
  3. So context: I was using an AO from Golsquare just like normal. And then when I was removing it from my avatar it got stuck... The animations keep showing up no matter what I do: I have tried the following things: 1 stoping animations 2 stopping animations and reset skeleton 3 stopping animations and revoke permissions 4 remove keys 5 logging out and in 6 restarting my pc 7 use another viewer 8 uninstalling and installing a fresh firestorm viewer 9 blacklisting, stopping and such settings on the animation explorer tab Nothing is WORKING ! I'm so frustrated not sure what is happening... Any ideas on how to make this stop? I even tried the reset female avatar thing
  4. Just asking in general. Because I've had this issue and I'm not sure if it's a hud combo issue or just viewers acting up.
  5. Looking for these shoes ! Image credits : FOI , not mine !
  6. Mainly to explore SL, meet new people and manage my inventory/ do outfits and shopping
  7. I have the classic second life viewer of course, but I don't enjoy it as much as I did in the beggining. Then changed to firestorm, but it's giving me lots of problems and issues even after doing a clean install. Currently using kokua viewer, but I would love to explore other viewers now. Any recommendations on what viewers are good to try?
  8. I would love to have an alternative for feet nails. Currently have nails that won't work on some shoes.
  9. Context: I started using both creators skins and other skins from other stores, but whenever I use my lelutka evo x avalon head they dissapear. This problem came up as soon as I switched to the legacy meshbody. Not sure what I need to do differently, with my maitreya I just click add and done. Please help
  10. I tried to research on this topic but couldnt find an answer. How can i match my lelutka avalon skin color to my skin overrall? I purchased some skins for seven deadly skins and the ears wont match the skin tones. Can someone help please?
  11. I dont see any lipstick bom item on my worn tab. I clear lipstick layer on Genus hud, but its still there for some reason
  12. I did this. Deleted the old folder. Delivered new head just now, and it still has the same issue I wonder if this could be a problem of graphics on my end but it wasnt an issue before using the applier.
  13. Did this and nothing. It looks like theres something under the lipstick
  14. Summary: I got a gift from Luna Chelsea's store (LC-03 lipgloss applier i believe) and used the Genus applier. I didnt liked it much so I added my Genus head HUD to click off/on bom to remove the layer. Nothing happened... then I went to the dropper area and clicked on lipstick to turn it blue and clicked the teardrop thats beside it. Still nothing. Frustrated, I bought the Genus Clear layers HUD / makeup remover by La Studio on the marketplace. It worked for every single layer except the lips. In other words, this applier is not coming off at all no matter what I do. I already checked if I had two heads on, if there were alphas, the avatar health option on Firestorm and even making the avatar from 0. Its not coming off and I'm not sure what to do here. When I try to use my og bom lipstick you can see the applier underneath it and its not a pretty look at all.
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