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Posts posted by DevlinMcDermott

  1. Second Life may be fun to play around with in free time.  And it is fun to build. 

    But honestly. AI is the wave of the future. I specialize in Goth, Occult, Witchy Art and tasteful erotic art.  Believe it or not now. There are free AI programs that produce full-length movies. Based on nothing more than the story outline and description of your characters,. No wonder actors and writers are screaming in hollywood. 

    abreathtaking_oil_painting_Wino (53).jpeg

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  2. 28 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    Someone sent me a pic a few months ago, to show me how horrible I looked I guess, but I said, no I look fine in my viewer

    Obviously they had some horrible EEP set, just set midday and everyone will look fine

    The number of messes we are going to see will increase exponentally going forward.



    Of course, they will exponentially increase. And do you think your average every day computer user barely knows how to surf the web.  Will use a service like SL where you must now tinker with settings and preferences for at least an hour to get a decent picture on their end?  Of course not!   And that is why SL is emptying out.  And Will is so in droves.  Now that PBR  has been implemented,!  No one is going to sit around for hours tinkering with settings; they haven't a clue what they are about. 

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  3. 29 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

    There are very long-time residents even, who have their own places, homesteads, and all sorts of fun and beautiful getaways, who frequent info hubs/welcome areas/newbie helper sims etc., just because they know they can always find people to chat with. It's like hanging out in a comfy old dive bar year after year, watching the faces change, meeting new people, and hanging out with other regulars you've seen there since you were new.


    The whole world of SL is built on the previous architecture. Textured and designed to look good and functional on the previous architecture.

    Think they’re coming back and rebuilding in updated look? LOL Start from scratch and rebuild? Fat chance.

    What’s going to happen when SL/LL even goes further and introduces even more upgrades.

    You're going to have a entire grid of white walls and floors and geometric shapes to look at. Everywhere! Or if SL gets rid of the structures entirely,. . Endless and Endless and Endless of empty land.

    And they’ll have you paying premium prices for an empty grid. Just as they are already raising their prices for you to upload the new textures,.

    It will then take you decades just to build something decent to look at. And of course they are going to raise their prices and move features you now enjoy freely behind a pay wall.  Because they'll need somebody to recoup their costs. When the grid is predominately empty of those that were once there, 

  4. 14 minutes ago, Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia said:

    LOL, what are you talking about?  There was no singular original idea.  A couple of well connected nerds got baked out of their minds at burning man, and decided to hack around together.  They showed some virtual snowmen to their rich buddies, so they got money thrown at them.  Everybody involved had different ideas.  If there was an idea, that was it, that there was no idea.  Everybody kind of worked on what they cared about, and everybody cared about different things, much like the early internet, and early WWW.  SL exists because of dumb luck.  There was no singular vision or design.  If there was, we would have less problems, but SL would also be shut down, because it would be boring.

    Philip Rosedale formed Linden Lab in 1999 with the intention of developing computer hardware to allow people to become immersed in a virtual world. In its earliest form, the company struggled to produce a commercial version of the hardware, known as "The Rig", which in prototype form was seen as a clunky steel contraption with computer monitors worn on shoulders. That vision changed into the software application Linden World, in which people participated in task-based games and socializing in a three-dimensional online environment.[17] That effort eventually transformed into the better-known, user-centered Second Life. Although he was familiar with the metaverse of Neal Stephenson's novel Snow Crash, Rosedale has said that his vision of virtual worlds predates that book, and that he conducted early virtual world experiments during his college years at the University of California, San Diego, where he studied physics.

    Second Life began to receive significant media attention in 2005 and 2006, including a cover story in BusinessWeek magazine featuring the virtual world and Second Life avatar Anshe Chung. By that time, Anshe Chung had become Second Life's poster child and symbol for the economic opportunities that the virtual world offers to its residents. At the same time, the service saw a period of exponential growth of its user base.

  5. Want to bring people back so that Second Life thrives again?

    Return it to its original roots, which were a social network and meeting ground for like-minded people in a simulated reality and life. It was never meant to be a game or compete in visual graphics with games.

    Guess what?

    You can’t!

    It was never meant to be a marketplace of endless stores and endless creators, which, btw these days are largely empty.


    The original intent was to invent a little creative world of your own on your own plot of virtual land, to which you could call your friends so that you could interact with them. No matter where in the real world they were and shared a good time, with go out to a club or such with great music. And kick around together in a city sim.


    It was open and accessible to ALL people, even those with 6-8 year old computers. Because it was simple and still beautiful. Open to everyone and just not those with $2000 computers.


    The original intent of Second Life was as a Virtual Reality social networking site. You even hosted top of the line musicians and stars! Holding concerts in a virtual world! Do you remember those days in Second Life? Major corporations couldn’t wait to set up their presence in Second Life, Universities used to hold classes here. Leading influences and lecturers held court here… And nearly every magazine or newspaper ran a story on Second Life.


    But somewhere along the lines, you lost sight of the very thing that made Second Life so popular, which was a virtual reality social networking community building site which happened to allow you to build a little house, make money, shop for virtual clothing and lead a New Life in a Virtual World.


    But you lost sight of original goal, didn’t you, Second Life? Didn’t you, Linden Labs?


    There is an old saying which might help you recapture Second Life’s glory days.. Which I know would bring back the hords of people who miss the old days in Second Life. ..


    And that saying is this:.


    Keep it simple, Stupid.



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  6. 3 hours ago, skylei Caproni said:

    ....How do you get rid of the red pop up for updates....It's a pain to have to see that when I log. 

    I would suggest you ditch it and switch to Genesis for the time being. It's pre-PBR. But ultra-fast and absolutely no wait time for anything to render.  It literally beats any viewer out there, including Firestorm and Second Life.  I tried it the other day, and I was stunned.  As I said, I wish this had been around years ago!  So give it a try. 

  7. Creators create.


    But who is going to buy your wares. When users of SL need a bloody $2000 gaming system just to log on and enjoy the SL world?


    Just journey around the worlds of SL for a day and count up how many are devoid of any avatars. Wasn’t always like that. It used to be packed. And that’s not because of a of a lack of interest!


    The average person keeps a computer for the lifetime of OS. Then think about upgrading. That’s five-six years. Because new computers are still expensive to buy. They don’t have the money to run out there and get one because of a new gaming graphics card or CPU. Like you computer nerds do.


    So go create in PBR or whatever new graphics protocol they do. There won’t be many people around to see it. And that’s a pity to many of you do fantastic art and design.


    And you know there was also a time in SL people went there to make lifelong real life friendships and live out lives they couldn’t in the real world.


    It wasn’t about the stores and wares.


    But I guess reading the forum over the past few days. That’s all SL means to some of you people. Making bits of shiny virtual trinkets and seeing who can outdo each other.

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  8. 22 minutes ago, Modulated said:

    This is drivel.

    Drivel, you say? 

    I challenge you (or anyone here reading this) to run a simple poll of people that have tried PBR and are having problems or those that have tried PBR and like it.   A simple poll. Better yet, and to make it fair, break it down into five categories.  From love to hate, it and range between. 

    What's drivel is the flood of word diarrhea posts that comes after one expresses dislike for it here in this thread.  You can almost call it deliberate. 

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  9. If you want a profitable business like Linden Labs does,. 

    Then you cater to the widest audience and the widest demographic. Not just one demographic.

    The thing is, most people don't have 2,000–3,000 top-of-the line gaming computers with the latest graphics card. No, most people have 3-6 year old computers and update when the latest operating system is 1-2 years past its end date. That can't run PBR or whatever. 

    If Linden Labs wants t to cater to just a small group of basically computer nerds,. Then Second Life will continue as it has. Down hill. 

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Modulated said:

    If any of them are using only integrated graphics, that's probably why. Post some specs, please.


    The latest Dell 4 months old

    16g Ram
    CPU Intel i5
    Intel Iris Xe Graphics

    Completely empty of programs other than factory installed. 

    I've tried running Firestorm, Second Life's even Cool LV. It either lags for 15-20 minutes until the fan goes hyperspeed OR renders half of everything gray.

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  11. I'm completely disgusted. 

    I have a four-month-old factory-built, custom-made Dell and two four-year-old Dells. NONE of them can run PBR!  They seem good enough to run Podcasts, stream videos, and even 3d modeling in Blender.  But is it not good enough to run Second Life? Really. 

    Before this upgrade, Firestorm was the BEST running viewer for SL in decades, even surpassing the official Second Life one!

    After being a Second Life resident since 2008,. I'm simply out of luck and have to say goodbye to Second Life.  Because I'm not going to fork over another $2,000 just to run SL.

    Thanks a lot Linden Labs is this how you treat your customer base? It's not a good way to run a business, you know.  

    In my case, a customer who has over the decades forked out thousands of dollars in your virtual world? I simply have to abandon the virtual life and world it took me over a decade to build, not to mention the countless friendships I formed there. 

    I'm sure I'm not the only one given the outcry I'm seeing in the official Second Life forums, Redditt and elsewhere. 

    The only ones that seem to be happy for this PBR seem to be content creators and SL merchants. 

    But haven't they seen how SL has become a virtual 'Dead Mall' since it's heyday back in 2012?  And it's about to get a whole lot emptier. 

    Good luck with your shops when there are no more avatars  around to buy your bright PBR shiny virtual wares.  When all that's left visiting them will be Weeboo Ghost bots and the occasional naked newbie Noobs. Having gotten lost on their way to the seedy Red-Light District of SL. 

    I've said my peace. 

    Goodbye Second Life and Liden Labs, and thanks a lot for abandoning loyal customers. 

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  12. I have a four-month-old custom-built Dell and two six-year-old Dell's. Which I use for Podcast and vlogs, as well as 3d modeling in Blender.


    The past forty-eight hours, I've been struggling to get the up-to-date SL's Official Viewer or Firestorm to work properly. Tinkering with setting. You know nothing worked. My avatar is gray, light is completely screwy, and it takes fifteen to twenty minutes to render even the most basic and bare scene.


    I don't know about you guys, but some of us don't have 2k super gaming systems that are capable of warp drive.


    We have to make do with what we have.


    Up to two hours ago. I was seriously considering having to leave SL for good with this upgrade. Pity since I've been an avid member since 2008 on and off.


    I was considering it until I downloaded Catzip. Which actually works much better than Firestorm or SL viewers ever did. Though, I don't know if they are running EEP PBR


    If SL continues to shove EEP PBR or else. I can tell you for a fact they'll be losing this loyal customer as well as many others.


    A pity, really. Because I have enjoyed SL for decades and spent a good two thousand dollars in the marketplace buying Linden dollars;. I'll really miss Second Life.


    But as I said, some of us don't have super-light fast gaming systems; we have to make do with what we have.

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