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Everything posted by giniskinnytart

  1. Short answer. no! Smacked bottom for my research assistant I think, for failing to mention that such an event exists. So thank you Qie! Given that my next question was going to be "How does one know when an object has reached its target?", I think you have just solved my problem. PS: Thanks anyway, Frionil Fang. Your method is how I normally move stuff but llMoveToTarget just struck me so much more elegant. PPS: And thank you, elleevelyn. That is my plan!
  2. I am sure I am missing something obvious but I'll ask anyway. I am scripting a very simple lift (elevator) and thought I would try using a touch-activated llMoveToTarget to move the thing up and down; the target vector being where I want the lift to stop; the tau value being calculated to move the lift up/down at 1m/s. And I have to say it works beautifully, apart from one minor annoyance. On reaching the desired floor level, my lift doesn't stop as I was expecting, but sort of judders up and down indefinitely by some tiny fraction of a metre. Is there any way to stop that? I have tried using llStopMoveToTarget() after the llMoveToTarget call (with and without a little llSleep and a llSetPos, hoping to fix the final position that way) but that appears to disable all movement so my lift remains in its original position. Thoughts anyone? I know there are other ways to move my lift but llMoveToTarget seemed so beautifully simple, I am reluctant to give up on it unless I absolutely have to.
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