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Orbert Tatham

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  1. SL has joined a lot of other "pseudo-secure" places like cloudflare to block VPNs from being used to access them. As a VPN user, I consider this an extremely hostile move, since it places their illusion of security as being more important that the very real security that the VPN brings to regular users. This is not at all surprising given that they are following the ignorant beancounters that run the rest of the internet backbone, but it is a real pain in the ass of those of us who actually want some security, even if only a small amount. SL is just following the herd. All I can say is I hope they sink with the rest, because this kind of idiocy is destroying the internet. The only people these monsters want to be "safe" are the ones that make money stealing our information, and I seriously suspect them of of being part of that herd as well.
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