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Posts posted by MiaWasHacked

  1. 1 minute ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    You need to file a SUPPORT TICKET to LL.  Do you know how to do that?  They may be able to retrieve your account but not the Lindens.

    Though, to me, this text box script seems useless and is dangerous because I'd like to know what this asks people to SUBMIT by writing in that box?  Most people in SL don't want to submit anything in there.  I cannot see a reason too.

    I already filed 2 support tickets that were immediately closed because I don't have access to the email account I used for my SL account and couldn't answer the secret phrase.

  2. 1 minute ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    LL should be able to trace your account.  They cannot change your username.  Even if the crooks deleted part of your account, LL may still be able to retrieve at least part of your account.  Did you file a ticket with LL?  

    Yes. I filed 2 tickets with LL support. Nothing but automated replies and tickets closed. My problem is I used an encrypted email (Proton) just for SL.  After years of not using it and several different computers I was unable to access my email to receive correspondence from SL or give them my secret phrase. If I could talk to a human there's things about my account i could tell them would probably prove I'm the rightful owner. But then again, the hacker could have all that information too.

  3. 2 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    This script has both a SUBMIT or IGNORE with a box where one can write something.  Submit what, I have no idea.  I do not use the script in all my years of building in SL.  I don't know what SL users need to SUBMIT with written data via this script?  It could be an Adult thing.   And, I don't do Adult, so I have no idea what people in SL would need to submit nor to whom.  

    If someone could answer that, it would be helpful.  

    Well...I needed to submit my password or be logged out. I know! I know!

    Silly me

  4. I was one of the "idiots" that got caught in this hack. I use encrypted email and a VPN to protect myself from some of the many attacks on the internet. I NEVER click on links and have probably avoided dozens if not hundreds of attacks over the years. I'm not some ignorant newb to the internet. This attack happened when I was distracted and let my guard down.  I should not have assumed that because it was inside the viewer that it was safe. I'm just bringing it here so it might prevent just one person from the grief of losing over 10 years of friends, landmarks, groups, and inventory. In all my time in SL I had never even seen this input popup. That's possibly just because of my habits in SL it was never displayed. What kind of things is this even used for?

    Is it possible the word "password" can be filtered out of this submission form without wrecking the entirety of SL as some people seem to think that any sort of change or fix would do?

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    Go read the Lab news. You see anything in there that specifically addresses this particular phishing scheme? One is really no wiser after reading it then before, hence my charge that not a lot of thought went into it. Better to have read Twitter where Beq at least posted a pic of the text box asking for a password:


    Really? Please educate me because after my 14 years I wouldn't know the difference, but then I am not a scripter who needs to know this stuff. It was only 2 weeks ago that I was logged out of MP for some reason and after clicking a product link to take me to the page, I was having to relog into it which I did at the time without thinking. Only later did I think that was a strange as I shouldn't have been logged out in the first place. It wound up being fine and must have been because S/L was messing with the MP and logged people out to fix it. Viewers regularly log me out for unknown reasons and if suddenly a pop up box came up and asked me for a password to stay logged in, I would assume a new feature by either S/L or FS. 

    Well your choice but instead of defending the status quo like the other fan boy's and girls, you could maybe think up a way that actually might mitigate these issues and doesn't require restrictions to protect residents.

    Shame I hadn't seen this before. That's the exact popup I received. If I had just been standing around like most of us do most of the time in SL, I would have thought about it and probably not submitted my password. Unfortunately being in a riveting convo with several friends I took the cheese and paid the price.

    • Thanks 1
  6. I have to add to this. I use encrypted email and a VPN and am very conscious of possible attacks in my general internet conduct. At the time I was hacked I was in an immersive conversation and panicked when I received the window that prompted me to enter my password or be logged out as to not lose the conversation I was in. It was perfect timing and a very dumb decision on my behalf.  After many years of being in SL I had never received a notice like this and since it came from inside the browser I thought it was legit. This is just a warning to everyone to NEVER enter your password for any reason when you're in world. 

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  7. Unfortunately I was an idiot and they got me. My account appears to be deleted and I had no luck recovering it after 2 support tickets. I miss all my SL friends dearly....😢

    Don't EVER enter your password once you're in world for anything!

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