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Rachel Harley

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Everything posted by Rachel Harley

  1. Hi, I've done quite a lot of searching now and I'm still stuck for a solution to this. I'm sure this must be possible because getting locked in a cage where the captive can't unlock it but anyone else can means an easy escape is for the captive 'offer teleport' to a friend who can then come and let them out, and I can't think that RLV would make it that easy. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious so if anyone else has some input, I'd appreciate it. Scenario is 1. Victim locked in a cage/cell 2. Victim cannot unlock/escape cell but anyone else can 3. Victim 'offers teleport' to a friend who is TP'd to the location and opens the cell to let the victim out Its step 3 I'm trying to prevent. Not the ability of the friend to open the cell but the ability of the victim to send the TP offer. Thanks! Rach
  2. Hi, thats great, thanks Quistess Alpha! I didn't know that showloc stopped the TP offer option so thats good to know. I tested it real quick and unless I'm missing something, it seems that if you have 'this friend can locate you on the map' turned on, the 'offer' option is enabled again so it seems like it still can be bypassed Thanks, Rach.
  3. Hi, I want to use RLV to prevent 'offer teleport' i.e. prevent somebody from offering a teleport to another user to bring them to their location. I can't seem to see it in the LSL RLV API documentation. Please could somebody guide me? I can prevent things the other way around (using @tpure=n etc) but I'm trying to block somebody bringing another user to their location. Thanks! Rach.
  4. OK thanks everyone for the ideas. I'll try a few of those things. Thanks!
  5. Thanks Rolig. Its a HUD i purchased which is 'no modify' so I can't add that event unfortunately. Thanks for the suggestion!
  6. Hi, I'm trying to see if I can find the UUID of a HUD i'm wearing. Its HUD I purchased (so I cannot modify it to report the UUID when its rezzed). I'm using an RLV viewer was wanting to use o Allow/prevent touching HUDs : @touchhud[:<UUID>]=<y/n> But I cannot find any way of finding the UUID of my own HUD. Any suggestions? Thanks Rach.
  7. Hi Tessa, you are a star! Thank you so much - I removed the #RLV part of the path and that fixed it. I guess I didn't realize that the attach assumed a shared folder and was further confused as the other app I guess just ignored its presence in the path. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question!
  8. Hiya, I have a really simple script that works with regular 'restrainedlove' but doesn't work with 'firestorm'. All its doing is :- llOwnerSay("@attachallover:#RLV/\other/\cuffs2=force"); The above works with 'restrainedlove' and correctly attaches the attachments. But in firestorm I get this error (after turning on debug):- failed: @attachallover:#rlv/other/cuffs2=force (invalid option) My googling found no answer so I'm appealing to the experts! I see the case difference for the RLV folder but I tried making the folder name lower case and that did not fix it. All items in the folder are copies, not links. Hope you have some ideas! Thanks, Rach.
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