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Posts posted by OnoGrinds

  1. Hello all. I'm looking for a male body that looks like a swimmer or gymnast, but (since Slink Physique disappeared) all the male bodies look like muscle heads. Any recommendations of bodies with a more "normally" fit look? Thanks in advance!


  2. Linden Realms

    Hello Forum Folk. I normally just browse the forums and don't write much, but I feel like the time has come to say something.

    I expected that as the worst of the pandemic began to fade and people began returning to their RLs, that the number of residents seen in SL would naturally fade. Instead (in my experience anyway) there seem to be even more residents in SL. Many who came during their quarantining have stayed! That's a great thing and I'm glad for it, with one sad exception: even more residents cheating in Linden Realms.

    Yes, I know, cheaters have always been a problem in Linden Realms, just as they are in nearly any game. Some of us who are gamers outside of SL look for exploits in Linden Realms just as we do in other games. Problem is, exploits stay within the rules while maybe bending them; it's a different thing to blatantly break the rules. Signs both at Portal Park and within the two Linden Realms locations warn against cheating, but because there is close to zero enforcement these signs are being ignored. Spend just five minutes in Linden Realms and you are likely to see residents using speed enhancers, animations that allow long jumps, followers, and other cheats. I take Linden Lab at their word and report cheaters now and then, but as we all know either nothing appears to change, or banned residents just create new avatars and resume their cheating. Even residents who I suspect have been given a "time out" from Linden Realms are later seen back doing the same cheats.

    I'm not sure why LL hasn't added coding to the LR HUD that temporarily disables all other HUDS and temporarily disables third party animations. Granted, the movements of some avatars (animals for example) might be able to move only in human ways while in game. Nevertheless, I'd rather play with walking fish than selfish cheaters.

    I suspect that all available moles are working on building housing rather than monitoring cheaters in Linden Realms, and that's understood. But it sure would be nice to see an end to cheaters speeding, long jumping, and flying past us and emptying regions of the crystals we all crave. I can report and block those residents, but that doesn't change their behaviors or the wider impacts of their behaviors.

    I'm not sure what answers might be feasible, but would love to hear any and all ideas.

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