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Winter Nightingale

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Everything posted by Winter Nightingale

  1. THANK you Rowan. That is an important distinction I was unclear on. So if you are dealing with another resident you have to different landlords to pay at different times. Understanding the terminology makes a huge difference.
  2. I think you are right. I need more education before I commit to anything Paying rent after you buy confused me but you explained it well. So as a Premium plus member I can buy land up to 2048 and not pay rent. But only on the mainland and NOT on a rental property is my understanding. And sky boxes are not an option for my 2048. Did I get all that correct ? Just clarifying my understanding. My other issue is I sort of have my heart set on a nice, snow covered region. Most if SL seems to be beaches. And the snow lots are surronded by stores, clubs and other stuff. But I have not given up hope yet I'm going to try that group thing the guys were talking about Thank you for your time.
  3. Good advice all around from both of you, thank you. Love Kermit he's the best. I just want to make sure I am learning all I can. What exactly does Alwin Alcot mean by "Renting has no connection with tierlevels, so your 2048 is mostly useless in that case." Is it because that land is a rental instead of buying? I thought my 2048 counted towards the total prim and I would just pay the $4 a month over fee. Or is that wrong? But I'm going to use my alt to create a group and try it that way. Thanks to you both.
  4. I am a Premium plus member and a noob. If I buy this land, will it be covered by my 2048 land allowance? It says it is 2112 m. Is that the same as lot allowance? If I do have to pay rent, how much would it be due to the overage of 2112 over 2048? Trying to learn. Thanks http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Eldora/204/7/113
  5. I am currently at 34 on the slider, 5.91 in inches , 180 in meters. This feels natural, because when I was over 6 feet it felt strange and looked strange to me. But things like my Magika hair don't look right. The long part of the hair that is supposed to hang down my chest is pushed out into space. Stuff like that. Do you HAVE to be over 6ft to fit into stuff and outfits in this world? Is my height to short ?
  6. So I should be able to buy this, if I am understanding correctly? I love tihs spot and the house on it. But it is bigger than 2048. About how much will I be paying if I buy this? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kendall/148/83/120 I actually bought the updated version of this same house on the marketplace. But have not been able to find a nice, snow region to put it. Every where I look is either grassland, tropical, and island. OR it's an area surrounded by some ugly buildings and stuff. I'm thinking of just getting this due to the location and surroundings. Unless I can find a 2048 snow region to put my updated house on. so how much would my monthly fee bee, in addition to my premium plus membership, if I bought this land? Thanks for you help. Hope I'm not asking to many questions
  7. So, just to absolutly certain. If I buy a house I like on the market. Then choose this land ( which is 2048 ) I don't pay and monthly fees for the house or the land? Or do I have to find land for sale, not for rent ? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Peadra-Fall-Central-Office-estate-sim-parcels-homestead-parcel-and-private-skyboxes/3538539
  8. Thank you. I'm still waiting, but the ticket does say it is processing and I received and email acknowledging it. I'm wondering, once I get my Premium plus problem solves, how do I got about claiming my land? Will there be a walk through or is there some action I have to take that I haven't clued in on yet? Thanks for your reply and help.
  9. Hi. I paid for a Premium Plus upgrade at 3:17 pm central time today. The payment went through immediately. But my account is still at basic and it is 7:35 pm central now. I logged off and was logged off for hours. How long doe sit take for the upgrade to take effect? Thanks for your help. Also, I just now went and created a supprt ticket for this. I just figured out how to do that. My bad😣
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