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Cold Shiver

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Posts posted by Cold Shiver

  1. Hello

    So I have a mesh object I made for SL, it's a piece of static decor. Object is modelled and textured, but I want to make a mesh outline (Like a cel-shade type outline) for it that's compatible with SL. (I tried using material offset but didn't work), and I'm honestly not sure how to go about this. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm on blender 4.0 and Gimp 2.10 if that helps. Thanks in advance!

  2. On 9/26/2023 at 10:46 PM, PearlBouquet said:

    Not my first Second Life rodeo but trashed the old account, now I'm looking to start afresh! I'm a furry rat girl looking for the vibrant furry spaces where I can meet friends, hang out, and have fun. I'm PearlBouquet inworld, so please message me if interested or if you can show me some great hangouts ❤️ 

    Nice to see an uncommon fursona about! I personally don't find the ark that great but it's active. Yiff and GYC are usually active during sets. Knotty Beach is full of people but it's all idlers. If you want vibrant as in hyper and full of goofy ***** you're probably best off trying the Chonk Box, it's a furry sandbox that can either be idler corpseland or it can be full of random weird *****. Nebula is good too but is quieter. There's also Anarcho Rodentia but I don't go to a lot of events, it is alive though.

    I hang in a lot of non-furry spaces and really don't find them so bad tbh. If you're open to those I could probably recommend a few groups and places.

    • Like 1
  3. 30 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Peeve: As an alternative to expecting someone to read your profile, how about this?

    1. Put your caveats / exclusions in your profile, example: "I don't date, sorry!", "I'm happily married", etc.

    2. If someone does not read your profile and messages you something about one of your caveats / exclusions, instead of repeating the information in your profile (which can be awkward and possibly lead to contentious chat): Say, "I'm sorry, but could you please check my profile?"

    This way, you and the other person are spared the possibly awkward conversation of a) repeating information that is in your profile, and b) stating that information in a way that the other person can then continue to discuss it.

    Basically, if you direct someone politely to "please read my profile", then you don't have to talk about "the thing".


     If they say they don't read profiles (often in their profile lol), then I've no reason to believe they'll suddenly change for me. I read profiles because I care about not violating someone's boundaries. (I don't read the "family" or "friends" or "if you mess with my sub" type picks since it's very same old, same old).

     If someone is the type to skirt around boundaries, or whine about boundaries being there in there in the first place (yes I've had people whinge at me for not being down for sex) then they're slimy and I don't want in them in my life, I won't waste effort on someone who shows me their true colours from the beginning or force the issue. I'll  just ignore them, I don't owe them a reply or my attention. Exceptions exist of course, noobs, people with poor english. Crowded/laggy events.


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  4. I'm trans, makes me dysphoric so I don't voice. I used to before realizing but after, blegh. Also "typing me" is extremely different from "speaking me" and I've noticed that tends to bug people. I will turn on voice and listen to others if the situation demand it but I will not voice chat back.

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  5. 40 minutes ago, steeljane42 said:

    Legacy search is not affected by the "show my profile info in search result" setting, it's only for the web-search. So you can use method I've described above: put a desired last name into People tab of FS search, click through the pages until you see that last name and count manually.

    Huh, good to know my count at the time was accurate then! I didn't take it too seriously but it's nice to know.

  6. On 10/11/2023 at 12:47 AM, Arwyn Quandry said:

    Just curious, how did you pull stats on how many people have taken a surname? I remember there used to be a site to track that but I thought it stopped updating and now I can't remember what it was called. 

    I counted manually in the firestorm viewer.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. Ha! Not even surprised but as I predicted "Shadow" is getting snapped up as a last name very quickly, since for some reason people really love using names with "shadow" in them. It's been snapped up 84 times at the time of this posting. (Yes I counted, I was waiting for someone and had a bit of time to kill). Dark Shadow has been snapped up. I wonder if it'll be as popular as the "Daddy" last names.

    • Like 1
  8. Since we're listing off potential names I'll join the fun:

    Ephemeral Shadow, Ghastly Shadow, Dark Shadow, Long Shadow

    Bit Morbid, Is Morbid, Mori Morbid

    Coal Stoker, Bad Stoker, Trouble Stoker, 

    Tax Reaper, Card Reaper, The Reaper, Grim Reaper

    Flying Batty, Noisy Batty, Ugly Batty, Nuisance Batty

    Fearful Shiver, Nauseous Shiver, Pleasant Shiver, Unpleasant Shiver

    Feline Vampurr, Seductive Vampurr, Claw Vampurr



    • Like 4
  9. Unpopular opinion but I actually like the fact that last names come from a selection. It kind of creates a fun bond with people you never met before. (Unless your last name is Resident, but you can hide the resident last names in viewer anyway). I'm okay with SL's name system, I like it actually but I wish they brought back free last names for new users and lowered the initial price for basic/plus users. It just has a charm to it, I mean I can have any username that's not taken on virtually any platform, it's just the norm. It's nice to have a quirky little connection like that with other people.

    • Like 2
  10. Well alright, I'll bite. I met a guy on SL, found out we lived close by and then decided to meet. Turned out we had chemistry irl and dated for a few months, but honestly he was abusive. I'm also positive he used SL to cheat on me all the time because he couldn't admit he was attracted to guys but used SL has an outlet for his queerness. I should also point out we both agreed not to do sexual/romantic stuff with other people on SL (his call since he claimed he had trust issues). He also accused me of cheating on him constantly, irl and in SL. Then when I was going through a rough time he made fun of me for.... using SL? Like I used SL to recuperate by redecorating my place but he would turn up randomly and get very angry I was on SL, I never force teleported to him since I respected his privacy and I suspect that made the *****ing of guilty conscience, become full blown defensive rage.  It was so weird and headwrecking, but ah, I was young and this was 6-7 years ago. Glad that's over.

    • Sad 2
  11. 17 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

    TOTALLY WOW!!!  Stunning!

    They did a great job honestly, they have a real knack for this stuff! If you're talking about the av itself though the mod is my own texture work (on the BG Solarian Feline, it's old but its too cute for me to give up!). ^^ I appreciate this a lot, thank you!

    • Like 5
  12. I wasn't feeling the best about myself today (irl) and I ended up running into a person with amazing photos on their profile in London. Spur of the moment I decide to commission them for a photoshoot, and I was blown away by it honestly! I was super self conscious about it ngl though but I'm glad I did it. Here's one of the photos. (It's by TybaltKuck). I don't know if I'd ever do this again but it really helped perk me up a lot. ^^

    Tybalt Kuck


    Blink by TK  (9).png

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  13. Hmm, that's a good question.

    1) Get better at texturing

    2) Enjoy myself as much as I can. Have more varied activities I can do with others and when solo.

    3) Ruthlessly avoid drama at all costs. Only add people to my friend list whose company I genuinely enjoy, rather than simply out of feeling like I have to be polite. This one is going to take a lot of work.

    4) Actually get around to making more gestures, I only have one I like at the moment. 😛

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