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Posts posted by Chase3XxL

  1. Thank you all for your amazing input.
    Its clear to me now that you cannot influence one object from another object without a comms channel.
    I guess ill have to try something like this eventually.

    My idea so far is to make the listening side as dumb as possible and try to pass any data needed from the sending object (the switch).
    But it will be at least a couple of weeks before I can start on this.

    thnx again to all of you 

  2. Hi, i was looking into llSetPos or llSetRegionPos to move an object between 2 fixed positions.
    But i would like the move to be triggered from another object like a switch.
    So somehow i have to enter the object id into the script. My goal is to have one object move between 2 locations within the same  Sim by a toggle switch.
    By touching the switch the target object should jump back n forth, no animation needed.
    Is that feasable? 

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