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Posts posted by JusJelly

  1. Looking for a decorator to help you with your furnishing needs? Party Planning? Events? 

    Look no further Send a Note card containing your name, service your looking for with regards to the decorating and time available to meet to jusjelly.

    Business logo.jpg

  2. On 12/5/2022 at 9:57 AM, Mason Raynier said:

    Raynier's hotel, resort, and conference center is newly opened and looking for front desk staff to check in guests and answer questions

    about the resort. Pay is 50L hourly and is automatically paid by a server for time spent at the resort. Hours are capped at 100 weekly.

    Its a very easy, simple job. The sim just opened so not much traffic for the time being. IM Mason Raynier inworld if interested.

    I'm interested


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