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Posts posted by Piikoi

  1. I love really dense jungle landscapes in RL. I've seen some fun ones in SL, but when trying to landscape my place I find that the trees, bushes, etc add up super quickly and I max out on LI allowed in the parcel. I don't even really care too much about a house, just give me a little clearing in a thick jungle. Can anyone recommend any low-prim jungle landscaping stores? Most of the stores I've seen have very old nearly 2-D builds, specific tree varieties that are high-LI or no copy, or "fantasy" forest items. All of these can be pretty, but I'd really like to find some lower impact stuff that looks closer to the real deal.

    A friend recommended that I surround my parcel with a jungle background, in hopes that this might allow for less landscaping (so I would stay within my LI cap), but I want to be a good neighbor to the fine folks in my sim and not put a background around my parcel.

  2. There are some fun cars, trucks, and buses at Aikoto and Hotaru: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Yui Bon/93/31/3501

    For motorcycles, Turlaccor Custombike is a fun option. They have a big showroom, a test drive area outside, and a freebies board with rotating bikes, helmets, etc. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Golden Dawn/226/153/23

    For boats, BBX Design has some cool items, and a selection of discounts if you'd like several boats at once. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sunny Bay/162/129/26

  3. Pet peeve: I love music, but find some styles annoying so have preferences set to ask me if I want to hear a region's streaming music. This means that when I enter a new region I often see a pop-up asking if I want to hear its stream. Good, except that the pop-up is one of those persistent always on top sorts of things and you can't do anything in the region until you address the music pop up. If you happen to fly into the region, your avatar is frozen and all movement disallowed until the music pop-up is addressed. I'd really like for that pop-up to be less demanding, not only to allow movement, but also to allow me to sample a stream before allowing or disallowing. Streaming music is all-too-often given labels that don't reflect their content. This means that the pop-up demands that before proceeding any further that I decide if I want to hear something like "Domain" without explaining what on Earth that is.  


  4. Aloha OnoGrinds, you must be in/from Hawai'i too 🙂

    Yeah, I've been seeing more cheaters in Linden Realms for the past two or three months. Don't know what changed to cause or allow that, but yea, there *seem to be* plenty of them in there. What's weirder to me is that no matter when I log in, there are a handful of avatars I see in there EVERY TIME. It feels like there is a team behind the avatar taking the game in shifts. I imagine a laptop being passed from person to person in a retirement home somewhere 🙂 

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  5. I block people who consistently don't play well with others. Examples: residents who make continual unwanted advances, or residents who are physically or emotionally abusive. While blocking helps prevent me from seeing the abuses, the abusers can still see me. I can block what I see, but not what they see. This makes SL blocking something like an ostrich sticking its head in the sand. Is there a different way to block, a way to make me invisible to the abusers, something that would prevent abusers from seeing me rather than just prevent me from seeing them? Yes, I report the more aggressive residents, but nothing changes because it's not illegal to be a F*^&^% in SL. My aim isn't to interfere with other residents' lifestyles - if you want to be an #*)&^ then go ahead, you be you - I just want to enjoy SL without being harassed. 

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  6. These are all such good ideas!

    Rather than buy a shape, use the "edit appearance" sliders on your current shape and you may be able to adjust to your liking. 

    Rather than spend a fortune on new clothing, join the groups of inworld stores and take advantage of their group freebies (be polite by going back later when you have cash and buy something). Note: some hair stores (like DP YumYum for example) have free hairstyles for group members. Lelutka had free heads (!!!) for group members back in Christmas 2019, but not sure of they'll be doing that again this year.

    Good luck!


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