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Posts posted by Wiren1

  1. 55 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Firestorm will require one every once in a while I have noticed.

    How often will depend on the Viewer.

    While it's true that after you set up MFA, Firestorm (being now MFA compatible) will then require it, you can still log into SL using other non-MFA compatible viewers with no issue. 

    For instance, despite having MFA enabled on my account, I was able to log in using the very old Lumiya viewer on my cell phone, despite it obviously not having MFA capabilities.... so at this point, MFA does not really provide added security for in-world access (it does provide security for accessing your account on LL's website however).

    I'm curious as to when LL will close that loophole, per their announcement I quoted above.  

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  2. I saw in the May announcement that... "For now, if you try to log in with a Viewer that is not MFA-enabled, nothing will change, and you will still be able to log in without a token.  However, if you have opted in to MFA then a token will be required for all Viewer logins beginning in the near future."

    I tested and found that the token is still currently not required. Any word on when this change will be enacted? Thanks.....

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