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Aviewer Alpha

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Posts posted by Aviewer Alpha

  1. I've been playing with creating a animation that involves the right arm... basically only rShldr rForeArm rHand and the finger. I've tried creating this pose in anypose via BHV export as well as black dragon creator via ANIM export. I'm able to export this pose and import it again no issue but my AO seems to stop the animation playing temporarily while I turn or get bumped. I once I stand still again it starts on it's own and keeps going. I know I've seen other peoples poses that don't do this and I've even tried testing their no mod scripts forcing it to run my animation to confirm it's not a scripting problem. I feel like I'm missing something basic like some point/keyframe I need to include or something like that... MY AO, and very specifically it's turn, is priority 4. I've confirmed this with animation explorer in firestorm.... I've also tried uploading my animation as 4, 5, and even 6 and still see the same issue(Yes I know not to use 6 or etcetera it was for testing). I'm a bit at a loss... anything basic I'm missing?

  2. Yeah I get how to handle touch detection, the problem is that I want the touch action to be ran against every member of the link... In this case we're talking about several window blinds made by another created. I'm hoping to link them together and have them work "in unison" when a single member of the link is touched. To do that I need that touch action to be passed to and performed on every member of the link set.

  3. I'm new so I'm sorry if this is a silly question, I may be missing a simple command that I have yet to find yet....

    I have a few modify items that I'd like to link together and when one is touched all the rest of the links get passed a touch as well... I see a way to pass a touch to the root link but I don't see a way to have everything get a touch. One solution I read would be to have a script that sends a message and a receiving script to perform the action on every member of the link but ultimately I would need that object to touch itself using that method and I haven't found a way.


    Any help would be apricated thanks!

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