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Posts posted by StrawberruDream

  1. 16 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Hey back!


    15 hours ago, SabrinaCooke said:

    Henlo, fren! :)

    Hi, hi, hi!!

    14 hours ago, KyrasCorric said:

    Do you mind saying what time zone you're in so that it'll help know when you're typically around?

    EST :3

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  2. Hi...I'm Heaven and I've been on SL for as long as I can remember. I've only been playing consistently since 2019 so I'm basically a dumb noob (just recently learning gestures for example). I do own a store so I'm not a complete dumdum. I also have a few friends but I'm interested in seeing how people, outside of my group, hang.

    I'm posting here cause I've always wanted a friend or two I could run around and explore with. I, also, was interested in the RP aspect but I don't have alot of experience with it. Anyway, uh...I'm very, very....shy. I've tried to force myself to go out and make friends in SL the traditional way but I become very anxious. Then I proceed fail to hype myself up and end up staying home. Sooooo,,, I thought I would try here instead since everyone seems friendly enough (from the posts I've read) and it doesn't require immediate contact.....

    If you wanna know a little bit about me: I'm a content creator for both sims and second life. I love to draw and create in my spare time. If I'm not doing that; I'm exploring on SL, playing Destiny or a dating sim/otome game. I also love to watch bad horror movies from time to time!

    Nice to meet you (๑❛ᴗ❛๑)


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