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Mystic Mainline

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Posts posted by Mystic Mainline

  1. For imposters, the idea solution would be for them to be generated server side per sim - but on a shedule.  Adding more for server/sim to do will be a tall order and then coverting 3D to a image.

    Could have worked like:  Sim generates imposters (maybe at a few LOD level/focal points from each direction North, South, East ,West.   Then a client can request the imposter at a LOD level depending on how close the user is to the there current/next (requesting sim) boundary.  

    Eg - User in Sim A in the centre, looking due East to Sim B - client requests from Sim B's West facing imposter at a mid level LOD.    if the user moves east more towards sim b - request West facing imposter a a high level LOD until a point then the Draw distance over laps then client renders the 3D objects form that sim.

    Just a idea. not a program or games dev so may have missed a lot of issues there.



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  2. 2 hours ago, Henri Beauchamp said:

    Cool VL Viewer. As for the hardware,  Core-i7 9700K, recently updated to a Ryzen 7900X (both give similar fps rates in simple scenes, with a +20% bonus for the 7900X in complex scenes), with a RTX 3070.

    Thanks will try that - got a Ryzen 5900x and RTX3080 here.  I know SL is based on old legacy code?  from many many years ago.   Will try that viewer.

  3. Hi 

    Interesting read there on the technical side.  Like Henru - I normally run DD 256 but wow your FPS - what client and hardware are you using?  unless the regions are empty >60fps is rare.

    Question - how would these imposter images be generated and a user changing environment?   In games like GTA fuseing your example -the 3D world is controlled and the dev know where is where and does not change.   Or thinking from SL - Importer image generated - empty field for example - then a use adds a building.  If the imposter image is not updated - then looks to the user road is empty ahead then a X distance - swtich the 3D - whammy! there is a building.

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