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Posts posted by NeonXEclipse

  1. So . I'm practicing making objects like cabinets and drawers and small things that can just overall enhance not only my sl time but others as well. But I've come across a problem and I'd like to know if what I'm doing could ever even work.

    so i made a box\prim , i also made two smaller prims to put into the box both had inventories and you could put things in them. After linking though both small boxes then didn't have inventory , Is it even possible to link objects but keep their inventory separated?

    o.o or would they always have to be separated and placed together?   || I hope this is the right forum as it involves me building furniture o-o ||

  2. I would love more friends in sl to hang with as I'm still very new and know only a couple people ^-^ , i like to explore sl , shop { even if i spend nothing lol pretty\shiny things entice me lol } . I also love games\anime , I used to write .., like a long time ago o.o .. if i tell you all the things i like , um. we might be here AWHILE . I'm on everyday , at least once . But it's pretty much everyday for x amount of hours . So I'm always there to chat and give supportive messages if needed . We should all def get together and hang out to find some fun <3;. i am looking for some friends to also give me some  opinions on some scripted items i make PLUS have fun and hang out .

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  3. Hey gems <3;

     would love to be friends as i'm very new and only know one person || think they tired of me lol jk xD|| :( the person who brought me to the game ,i absolutely love exploring sl and shopping  { even if it's to just look lol}  , love tv\movies{ i made one for my room ^-^ movie nightss , yayz , and i can also do your  nails <3; i make prim clothing\nails\ jewelry  { would make clothes from blender but i don't got extra money right now to link card .and can't upload mesh} , it would be so nice to have others to bounce ideas off off for nails \ scripts and stuff  and just have fun :3


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  4. So .., thank you very much for your reply  tessa  ^^ it's going to help me towards future projects as i've now learned new terms to look into!

    so I've decided to do something simple . but i am stuck , and after fighting with not only the sound script to get it too loop& stop.. was so hard bc im so new T^T ,

    but . I'm now stuck , a dispenser script and making it also timed . .

    can someone please help so i can get on to the good part , the sculpting of my item ;-;?? .. i only have 11 linden and I'm not premium . . the only extra lindens i do get is by crystal craze o.e.. so i really don't got the money to hire atm.. thats kinda also why i'm making this lol


    dispenser script :



        touch_start(integer total_number)
            llSetTimerEvent(300); <---where does this go ???? ;-;....
            llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,  0));


  5. Soo . new to sl and new to scripting I've been reading the scripting book you can buy and even copying some scripts I've found on the lsl scripting wiki page and just messing around with the codes to work , but  would it be possible for someone to help me? i don't know if im what trying to do is a simple thing or not and I'd like to ask if it is and if anyone could help ^^.

    so . i would like a script that would enable an avatar to after every so many changes to their appearance to drop a clothes pile that i sculpt , one that could then be loaded into a machine to "clean"  ,

    lol it's funny cause everyone else is on here asking for cooler stuff .., and i want a laundry script xD ,

    any help is very appreciated. ,

    even just pointing me to more learning resources will work as i don't know much at all.

    I'd also like to just ask , is that even a hard task to do?

    thank you for your time <3;

  6. This is a great idea , perhaps you could also spotlight sims that aren't popular but have just the best views for photos and just nice scenery! i love to explore and i know there's people out there like me , plus it'll send people to less popular areas! ^-^ i'd love to stay updated about this and support in anyway i can!

  7. 32 minutes ago, MorrianaDarkstar said:

    Maybe he/she have female clients that are uncomfortable with Male one. If they do artistic nudes probably 


    ah i get it now , i've seen alot of  postings wanting "females" but they only want them in a rated m type rp or job , one guy  i saw on a thread earlier even tried to hide the real reason  but they worded it in a way everyone knew they just wanted a female for "other reasons" was just checking ^^  others might have thought the same thing and not answered as i almost did earlier, so just wanted to ask .

  8. did you ever pick up the bonbon gift hair pack(i think it gives it to you in the beginning o.e.. i don't remember)? , has a similar look , but oh my the others above look waaay better , ^-^ glad you found so many options!

  9. I'm pretty sure that body in the pic is an ebody , i've seen both the ebody curvy and ebody classic , i think it bc it looks so much like my ebody but.. slightly different. im still new and could be wrong though , but i think there's a good chance, hard to tell , all the bodies seem to be getting thicker :|

  10. i think this is a great idea considering people could then show those films in second life like drive in's and stuff  and not worry about copyright from major movie companies , plus it sounds so fun ^-^. I would love to stay updated about this project and help in anyway i can , if i can . New to second life atm so no card info which limits how much i can help with . But i have photo editing skills and and honestly it seems everyday i gain a new skill or learn something new. Plus i can chat with people even being new , so i can promote too! ^^

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  11. Is there a specific theme to your store or a color palette you would like the examples to have? , i am also fairly new but i would love to give it a try and see what i can make for you. my price would also be 500L. also what size are you wanting it? after making it , i can also change the size to fit to your liking ^-^

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