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Posts posted by MadsCook

  1. Hello, I am new here so please delete the question if this is the wrong place to ask: My question is. I use a invisible phantom prim on the side of a shipping container and whenever someone enter this prim the floating text changes to "this cargo is adressed to: madscook" for example.
    I also want my avatar to be notified whenever this happen and i made this script:

    key OtherPersonKey = "avatar key";
            llVolumeDetect(TRUE); // Starts llVolumeDetect
        collision_start(integer total_number)
            llSetText(" \n Roleplay: Owner of this cargo container \n \n This cargo is addressed to: " + llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(0)), <1 ,1, 0>, 1 );
            llInstantMessage(OtherPersonKey,   "The cargo container adress now changed to " + llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(0)));



    Now i got some staff at my sim and i want to add multiple avatars keys. I know i can just create a "OtherpersonKey1" but i want to read the keys from a notecard. is there anyone here that can guide me in the right direction. I am a new beginner (as you probably understand) and have never read anything out of a notecard before. I tried to follow this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1J8g9duRbg but the web page it refers to is updated and therefore for a beginner it is hard to know what must be changed. Thanks for any help

  2. 3 hours ago, Fenix Eldritch said:

    You don't need three separate scripts. A single script could support all needed functionality (and it would be easier to maintain and coordinate).

    Sliding the door open/closed can be done many ways. Among the simplest would be to use llSetRegionPos and alternate between a defined open and closed position. This assumes the door object is self contained and not linked to anything. This also effectively snaps the door open/closed and doesn't really do that much of a smooth transition. It is possible to make this work with a door that is linked to other parts, and to make it move more smoothly - but that's a little more advanced and it sounds like you're just starting out. So I think it would be a good idea to start simple first and work your way up to more complex stuff as you learn more. Try getting a simple version working first.

    The stuff I said about the schedule in my previous post should still apply: a repeating timer event to grab the value of llGetWallclock and then check if that value is within the desired range for the door to be open or closed.

    Regarding overrides, if this is for an RP group and group roles/titles are being used, then you can use llDetectedGroup(0) within the touch_start event to determine if the avatar that clicked the door has the same active group as whatever the door's group is set to. Additionally, you can further check what the avatar's current role tag is via llGetObjectDetails and the OBJECT_GROUP_TAG constant. If the detected group returns TRUE and the avatar's group tag matches a predefined value of your choosing, then you can assume the avatar is a guard and open the door on the spot. Here is a quick demo:

    //DEMO. Assumes host object will be set to a group
    string allowedRole = ""; //fill in the gaurd's group role title here
        touch_start(integer total_number)
            //get the group role/tag of the avatr who just clicked us.
            string currRole = (string)llGetObjectDetails(llDetectedKey(0),[OBJECT_GROUP_TAG]);
            if(llDetectedGroup(0) && currRole == allowedRole)
                llOwnerSay("Agent has same active group as the object AND has the allowed role/title");
                //do door overrride stuff here.
                llOwnerSay("access denied");


    As for your second door, the above access demo can also be applied to it: enabling the lock when a person with the correct active group and role click the object. A time can similarly be employed to fire off every 60 seconds to check the current wallclock time and automatically unlock it at a certain time. You can also make use of the same timer to update a some hovertext over the door that could display a decrementing variable of how much time remains before the door auto unlocks.

    You've been given a fair amount of starting material to work with, so try reading through the linked wiki pages and examples to see what you can come up with. We can answer questions you have along the way. Try starting with just getting your door to open and close on a click. Then try incorporating a time into it to open/close on a schedule. Then try adding the above access demo into it.

    Just to make sure we're all on the same page here: if you're intending to try writing the script(s) yourself, we can offer guidance/suggestions/etc. But we generally don't write entire scripts for people. If you're looking to have someone write the script for you, then you would have better luck posting in the Inworld Employment forum, where you can commission a custom job.

    Thank you i will try to use yours and read thw wiki pages. Is there like a book or a good place to have a course in LSL scripting?

  3. Hi

    Thanks for good input. I see i made a mistake in the description of what i want, thanks for pointing it out.

    First door:

    The door should be in a prison. So that the prisoners can have access to food, the gym and outside area at certain times. So it is used as a role play and not something that everyone who visits the place will use.

    So the group (Staff members) must be able to open the door at any time. For all others it will auto open and auto closes to a certain time. I think i need help to the following.

    Create a slide door script
    Create the open /closed door timer script
    Create the bypass for the set group on the door.


    Second door:

    " - When door is locked a timer can be set when the door will open again, visible countdown (Group only)"

    The countdown can be visible for everyone. It was a mistake to set group only there. Here it is corrected:

    The door must be able to do the following: (access in parentheses)
    - Close/Open (everyone )
    - Lock (Group only)
        - When door is locked a timer can be set when the door will open again, visible countdown  (everyone)

  4. 2 hours ago, Quistess Alpha said:

    In addition to what Qie said, you can also have your "security prim" llTeleportAgentHome() the offending non-group avatar, but the best option to prevent unwanted people from being somewhere is to use parcel security settings, but that would require separating the area to be secured into a separate parcel, and that the area of interest is on ground level.

    ETA: with respect to your other recent posts, I should also mention that while it might be possible to push someone so fast they fly through thin walls, It wouldn't be reliable. I wouldn't try to physically push someone out of an enclosed space (such as might be secured by a door).


    8 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    A script can certainly detect when an agent collides with a prim set llVolumeDetect(TRUE) and the script could then check if the agent had the correct group active (or check a list of permitted agents, instead of SL "group" membership), then finally do something to the agent, like try to push them away from the prim.

    (If there's nobody else around to be inconvenienced, the prim could just go non-phantom and Havok will try to push out the intruder—sometimes to hilarious effect!)

    None of this may be what's wanted, though, so a little context would help. For starters, there's nothing to prevent somebody from camming inside any prim, phantom or not, and happily sitting on any object with a sit target. What's more, they won't be detected as colliding with the prim if seated inside it.

    Thank you for valuable input! 🙂

    The place is to keep someone out of a building And havea phantom prim on the uper two level but not on the ground floor.

    Maybe TP someone home is a better option. Where do i start to script something like that? I would like people that are member in a group (The group do not need to be the active) to stay. all others to be TP home. 🙂

    I am new to scripts so i might ask very simple questions.

  5. Hi, don't know if this is possible, can anyone help?

    I would like a door that can:
    - The door  should have a scedule: open between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM every day. (Second life time) And closed/locked between 4:00 PM and 8 AM.
    - The set group can override the schedule and open and close the door whenever they want.

  6. Hello 

    I need a little help, i don't know if what i am thinking actually is possible:

    The door must be able to do the following: (access in parentheses)
    - Close/Open (everyone )
    - Lock (Group only)
        - When door is locked a timer can be set when the door will open again, visible countdown (Group only)

    Thanks in advance for any tips

  7. default
            llVolumeDetect(TRUE); // Starts llVolumeDetect
        collision_start(integer total_number)
            llSay(0, "Detected!"); // Tells you when something penetrates the prim

    This works but i don't get the name of the avatar that is detected. Could you give me an example of what could work?

    I wish to:
    Send a message to just the owner of the script
    If possible also to the group.

  8. We are always looking for staff members you can apply on all the positions in the list here

    SL Police Officer

    Possition description:

    Most important is that you enjoy the time here. As Police Officer you will work at the police station as police and arrest thiefs in the city. You will take them to the police station. And you will also bring them to court and get them convicted. You will also work in the prison and roleplay with prisoners there and do prisoner intake. If you are here normally for few hours each week you can be promotion to police Sergiant if you wish. To be here you should enoy realistic roleplay.

    For more info about the sim please read here
    Click here to read our staff guide
    Click here to visit the sim

    Click here if you wish to apply on this position

    SL Prison Officer

    Possition description:

    Most important is that you enjoy the time here. As Prison Officer you will work only in the prison and roleplay with prisoners that are already in prison. You will not do prison intake or do arrests in the city.
    If you are here for few hours each week normally you can be promotion to police officer if you wish.
    To be here you should enoy realistic roleplay

    For more info about the sim please read here
    Click here to read our staff guide
    Click here to visit the sim

    Click here if you wish to apply on this position

    SL Psychiatrist

    Possition description:

    Most important is that you enjoy the time here. As Psychiatrist you will work with our prisoners in the mental unit. Part of your job will be to treat these sick prisoners. Give them medicine and have conversation therapy. You will have the power to discharge prisoners from the unit whom you believe to be healthy. You can decide that certain prisoners must stay there longer. You can also take a tour of the prison to check out the mental status of other prisoners. You will be the one to ask when the guards are unsure if a prisoner is a detriment to society. To be here you should enoy realistic roleplay

    For more info about the sim please read here
    Click here to read our staff guide
    Click here to visit the sim

    Click here if you wish to apply on this position

  9. We are currently looking for Police Captain & Officers and Prison Officers
    IF you have any questions please contact madscook

    SL Police Captain

    Sea Land City is a police & prison community .
    The sim has: 
    - Full city where people can commit crimes
    -  Police station with a Detention Center
    -  Prison island.
    We strive to give visitors a good and realistic experience. We opened about 2 months ago and now I need a more staff.
    For more info about the sim please read here
    Click here to visit the sim

    Possition details:
    – You are the leader on the sim when the Chief is away. You are second in command.
    – You will work both in the prison and in the police force.
    – Its required that you are normaly online few hours a each day on the sim.
    – You should have some people skils.
    – Good roleplay
    – Like realistically roleplay
    – You want to help me to create a good community where people wish to play.
    – If you wish you will be part of community development.
    – As Police Captain you will get a free house on the sim with 60 prims available. And get paid 400 Linden each month

    Click here to deliver your application

    SL Police Officer

    Sea Land City is a police & prison community .
    The sim has: 
    - Full city where people can commit crimes
    -  Police station with a Detention Center
    - Prison island.
    We strive to give visitors a good and realistic experience. We opened about 2 months ago and now I need a more staff.
    For more info about the sim please read here
    Click here to visit the sim

    Possition details:

    – You will work both in the prison and in the police force. That means you can arrest people in the city and roleplay with the prisoners in the prison.
    – You will do prison intake
    – Arrest intake
    – Good work will be rewarded with promotion to Sergeant
    – Like realistically roleplay
    – We would like you to be at least online a few hours each week on the sim

    Click here to deliver your application

    SL Prison Officer

    Sea Land City is a police & prison community .
    The sim has: 
    - Full city where people can commit crimes
    -  Police station with a Detention Center
    - Prison island.
    We strive to give visitors a good and realistic experience. We opened about 2 months ago and now I need a more staff.
    For more info about the sim please read here
    Click here to visit the sim

    Possition details:

    – You will work only in the prison. You will roleplay with prisoners that are already in prison.
    – You will not do prison intake or do arrests in the city.
    – Good work will be rewarded with promotion to police officer.
    – Like realistically roleplay
    – We would like you to be at least online a few hours each week on the sim

    Click here to deliver your application

    • Like 1
  10. Sea Land Prison / City  (SL Prison / City)

    We are currently hireing staff

    We are an adult realistic roleplay sim. Where we do police/guard  & criminal/prisoner roleplay.

    We are looking for police, guards, doctors and judges for adult roleplay at the Sea Land Prison / City SIM. 

    At the sim you will find a federal prison, a police station and a city where you can committ crimes. We have our own webpage

    We can even pay if you are a regular  online.

    Please send Madscook a notecard if your interessted or fill in our staff application form:

    And please comment below so i am sure i got your right slusername


    Inworld visit: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dreamworld Palms/16/29/21

  11. Hello 

    I have restarted one of the realistic prison / crime / police SIMs called SL Prison. You can read about the sim here: https://www.slprison.com/

    I need staff and guards for my prison and my city. Please apply direct to me inworld (MadsCook) below here ,or at the apply staff form here: https://www.slprison.com/staff-form/

    I am also looking for doctors and judges.

    For good RP i will pay some linden to the good officers and staffs.

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