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Posts posted by Bekka83

  1. I've been exploring main land on Linden streets and came across that parcel that has 2 generators placed on it. There was a constant buzzing sound coming from these generators that I could very  well hear in a distance of half a sim and still very slightly hear in a distance of a whole sim.

    Is this a common thing in SL? I figure the owner may not even be aware of this reach. Now, if we were in an industrial themed zone with RP character this "feature" could very well make sense, but in this case it makes exploring on the streets completely annoying. While I'm gone half a minute later and won't see this place probably ever again, what chances do neighbors have to get rid of that sound in case of the typical argument "this is my land and I can do on my land what I want"? (I'm not talking about the possibility to that they can restrict sound to their own parcel, but the impact annoying sound has on a whole area where you are affected as soon as you use public transport).  Is this already considered "excessive" if you can hear it up to half a sim to a sim? (I personally would say of course). It must be a grey area because we're talking about sounds and people perceive sounds differently in the first place. It just astonishes me that I can hear sound from this far away in the first place and it makes me feel like there is an issue in the design. Shouldn't the sound falloff be much bigger? 

  2. Thanks, I know this link but it is unclear to me, hence I'm asking.

    "Other prohibited land cutting includes subdividing land in a manner that decreases the ability of other residents to enjoy their land, collaborate and/or exercise land-management controls,"... "We want to keep Second Life beautiful too."

    Effectively you're trashing the 512m² parcel if you cut a 64m² hole in the middle, at least from my point of view. So based on experience, is this considered illegitimate land cutting?

  3. Let's say someone has a 512m² parcel, and in its center cuts a hole in it of 64m². Let's say they intend to use this 64m² and abandon the rest of the 512m². Is this considered illegitimate land cutting? If it is, does it make sense to report it?

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