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Posts posted by MizukiInouye

  1. Seems what you might be looking for is a stylist (if you want her to be as similar as possible). Like Marvin said, it is a very fun process to try yourself, but should the endless range of mesh heads, skins, eyes, bodies, accessories, etc. overwhelm you, I'm always ready to offer my services 😉 been doing styling for a long while lol 

    Good luck ❤️

  2. Hi! May I ask what exactly you're looking for in an agency? Are we talking space and decor for the venue, PR and advertising (logos/website and gallery/bloggers for the event), as well as connecting with potential designers? Or just simply to talk to creators?

    In case you're still needing someone, I can do both ^^ Also am working with an agency if you want a launch party with DJs and live performers.

    I've IM'ed you with a notecard and hope to hear back from you soon!

    Cheers, Mizuki.

  3. Hi all! I'm currently on the (so far fruitless) lookout for a fully-latex kimono and came here since there's none commercially available that fits what I'm looking for.

    I'm looking for someone to make a fully wearable (meshed and rigged for Matreiya Lara/ML Petite) kimono with a latex texture HUD pack (I already have fits and inspiration ready, so I'll give everything before getting quoted the price). It's a bit urgent so I'd appreciate any fast responses ^^

    Lots of love and thanks to all!

    - Mizuki (please contact me inworld via NC @mizukiinouye Resident or on Discord @ #Lavender4345).

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