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Posts posted by sunnyskyz

  1. Just a few random comments.  Everyone is in SL for their own reasons.  Some are here because they hope to have social connections they don't have in rl....so these people welcome visitors and consider it harmless and sometimes even fun, making new friends and learning more about others in SL is what makes them log in every day. 

    MANY people (by perving profiles) are here due to social anxiety, a bad rl experience they're 'hiding' from, being bullied, abused, harassed or even stalked in rl.   Why are these peoples feelings being discounted here?  Just because someone feels strongly about NOT wanting ADULTS to bother them on land they PAY to rent in SL doesn't mean their feelings on the subject are any less valid than the social butterflies.  To toss out a general comment about how innocent it may seem or how the wanderer should be given the benefit of the doubt when you DON'T know the persons circumstance and why they don't want people around them or their home seems pretty unfair to me.  

    Anxiety and fear are real and there are many of us in SL that have our own reasons to need our comfortable space.  An unwanted visitor can trigger the same response in SL as it does in RL and no, thats not anyone elses problem but my own.  However on land that I pay to rent with RL money, its none of anyone's business if I want my home to remain private and safe according to what I feel comfortable with.  When someone tp's into my home uninvited and tries to start a conversation I get the same physical symptoms as RL, why can't I have the security in knowing that won't happen while I'm logged in to get away from RL drama for a while?  Why is that anyone elses business?  Saying I can't have that option is pretty unfair given the fact you don't know my rl reasons for being here.  The benefit of the doubt should always be given to the person that pays to rent the land, NOT necessarily to the person potentially there to cause drama.  The same way as if I am at my rl home and I have my cameras warning me someone is on my property, will I be forced to let that person stay for a certain amount of time?  Anxiety is anxiety, it doesn't go away just because I log in here.  You're giving the benefit of the doubt to the wrong people.  There are plenty of places to wander in Belli that aren't someone's homes.  

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  2. If the issue is copying, I don't see the problem.  People take ideas from others all the time in SL from decor to avatars to photography.  Even creators use mesh templates at times and we end up with the exact same item being sold in 10 different stores even with the same texture.  Some homes come furnished and some rooms are sold complete ready to set up.  Nothing wrong with it and when I get a question from someone about where I got my shape or an outfit, I'm flattered, not creeped out.  Imitation is flattery unless someone is actually stalking or contacting you and acting in a way that makes you uncomfortable.  

    However, If the issue is the person was looking in your home at your things and you feel violated in a way because they were looking in your private space....How would you know that they used the same decor unless you were doing the same thing?  The walls aren't transparent, we have to actively cam into someone elses home to see inside.  If the issue is feeling the person is invasive and creepy because they're camming.  You were doing the same thing.  I find it wrong that instead of asking the person, it was brought here and if that person was only trying to make themselves a nice home with nice decorations that they found beautiful, they're being branded some crazy person.  Judgment is pretty harsh right. 

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