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Posts posted by JimmyBuffett6673

  1. 8 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:


    You do realize Jimmy Buffett is an old man? He is 75, owns a 6 string, has a few stories and a trove of old age gripes.


    What the hell does Buffett have to do with this guy spouting off on what he thinks or doesn't think is music? Focus or leave the room and let the adults talk. 

  2. Holy judgmental elitist Batman! First your opinion of who is talented, worthy of playing at such and such sim, SL or RL, is of your own. I will point to your failure, obscurity and relevance in music history compared to Weird Al. Is he talented and none for his amazing string work? Studio producing? No, but he is catchy, fun and enjoyed by many for not taking themselves seriously, (later half of that comment you might want read twice). I thought children and young adults had issues with the ME, ME, Me attitude but apparently they are in older company too. If given a choice, I think I would prefer to be the guy with the over kill rig, crazy fun software and way too big studio doing cool $hit, than the grouchy old guy with beat up 6 string, a few stories and a trove of gripes any day.  

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