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Everything posted by Bloodflowers174

  1. This is a great idea if this forum post and another ticket might not work. I think I'm going to have to ultimately give that a try. If not theres always the idea of starting fresh, making a new account and subbing for premium. I sent in a compassionate ticket earlier today, with my name censored, trying to be as real and genuine with LL as I possibly can because I do want to return to the game. Again, the same copy and pasted response I was met with.
  2. Hi all, I appreciate this post being made by someone I've known for many years on SL. I'm Monte and I'm a banned resident. I was banned around May 15th, 2017 and at that time I was 19. I'm 24 now, graduated and I feel like a different person than I was then. I followed the safehub communities of places like Arapaima, Nelsonia, Korea1, Violet, and realized how those places can become cesspits. People there sharing real life information, dogging on one another day-in day-out, holding signs with pictures of their kids or dox information. I'm not proud to admit that I have participated in the community, but I became friends with a lot of those people. I noticed some of them were either proudly or secretly struggling with mental illness and I wanted to befriend them, so they'd have someone. As a young guy, I took to wanting to become popular through making people laugh and bringing joy to them. What this got me into was bad mouthing others, as per the nature of those communities and being vocally negative. The community and my problems at home I was growing up with (familial issues), the behavior just grew like a wildfire. I've spent plenty of cash on this game and soon after created a second account, a lady avatar that I could dress up and make all fancy with nice mesh etc. That account days later was met with an immediate ban (not really a ban, there was no email, just went logging into the account it states "your account is on hold"). Soon after my main was met with the same "on hold" message. I sought out answers and every ticket I've placed since is met with a copy and pasted response about my account being used to harass others online, and that my access is terminated. I never had the chance to have a genuine conversation with any Linden Lab employees, tickets would get closed one after the other for 5 years now. Since my "on hold" first time termination, I've returned to SL on over 200 accounts by now, but I've definitely matured and furthered away from any negative emotions I use to put forward. I understand that "ban-evading" is against the rules, but I never received a response, an answer, or explanation. It could be that the email tied to the account has been hijacked since, years ago, I don't know. It's just everytime I return to the game, I just think about the amount of time I'd be willing to spend positively all across the grid, and then I just end up remorseful, regretting my actions and begging to be unbanned. It's not like I killed someone, I don't believe I deserve practically life in Second Life prison for my association or actions I can't recall? I'm sorry for any bad behavior I may have done. I've grown, I don't even have the time I did anymore to sit there and project negative feelings online, I'm caught up working my job in healthcare now. My username is exlyndro.resident, and I hope this post goes somewhere so that maybe someday, 5 years after my ban, I may be unbanned.
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