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Posts posted by DalNiente

  1. 2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I love the simplicity of this picture, and the colours. And you also look adorable. (I think I just bought that hair -- it looks better on you!)

    Thank you so much. While the background is simple, the colors give the photo a little more depth. It contracts with the emo look. Gives it a warm feeling. With the hair try every color. I'm using the lighter black as the darker is harder to see detail but you might find a color that really suits you that you normally don't use. Bet it will look just as good or better.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Evie Latynina said:

    Anyone know where this Tattoo is from 

    Hello Evie.


    There is more than one tattoo in that photo. She is using a few different designs.

    Li  Senna

    I tried searching for the phrases you can see but came up with nothing. Why not ask her yourself? I linked her flicker above. She does amazing work. Just send her a message. Sure she would help if she could.

  3. 17 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

    There is no need for such day.
    People will not change.

    I’m going to respectfully disagree.


    As a student I always looked forward to Earth Day. While we had the usual lessons on recycling and conservation it was the celebration of various ecosystems which held my attention. Everything felt so new and exotic. The way they tied the lessons to conservation/recycling it compelled us to be more involved. As you get older we aren’t exposed to that level of learning and it’s easy to lose interest.


    It was an advertisement for “Earth Day” at a school near my residence that got me interested again. I had to see “Plant a tree” every morning and evening for a solid month until I found myself in the gardening section of home depot. But I discovered just planting a tree isn’t so easy. Factors like soil, temperature, and light made tree choice difficult. Some trees could kill/harm others fighting for minerals in the soil. This sort of thinking spilled over into other things, sorting recycling and making sure the plastics are clean enough to be used a second time. Breaking down electronics.


    That dumb sign ended up changing me. I grow bonsai now (which I’ve been called a horrible person because it’s gardening BDSM) I fish out zebra muscles from the local lakes when I can but I don’t expect everyone to do that. Throwing away and separating trash. Dropping off batteries at proper places. Ect ect ect. If I can become more “aware” then I feel like others can too.

    I hope none of this comes off as "disrespectful"

  4. Sometimes the meaning we yearn for isn’t the meaning we end up receiving. A quick glance at the comments here and the contributions you’ve made on this forum suggest you’ve made an impact. I’d say that counts for something. Even I’ve been curious about sail boats due to some of your posts. I hope you find that thing which gives you the meaning you desire. Good luck.

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  5. Hello Cuadril.

    To change the color/skin of the Kupra body you'll want a BOM skin. Off the top of my head I can't remember if UTILIZATOR includes bom skins for other bodies besides kemono.


    I'm not sure if you can drop links to the market place here but if you type in "KHAOTIX - BOM Bunnies - Tan" on the market place the kit comes with an applier for the head and a bom skin for the body (one of which is Kupra) and all you have to do is add it (make sure you don't have on any body alphas or BOM won't work.)


    There are some quick tutorials on youtube for bakes on mesh which you might find helpful.



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  6. I’ve asked this question a time or two but the other day I was given a brilliant response.


    “Legacy Code”


    The English we speak today was derived Germanic which was influenced by Latin. From a code standpoint you can view Second Life’s original code as Latin. As a language develops common words change. For instance “Hello” can easily be substituted with “What’s up” or “Oi” but this is just an extension of today’s code. The issue lies within the Legacy Code itself. If someone were to alter the Legacy Code what would happen to the newer code? As Second Life has grown the coding has too but it all revolves around that original code. Given how Second Life is more of a user based platform a minor change might have a giant domino effect. It’s a feat they were able to move all their servers, data, and other things over to the AWS servers. I’m curious as to how many of the current devs know this legacy code. Do the newer devs understand the various foot notes and information littered throughout the old code? If you think about how Second Life was coded in terms of language it was written in various forms as it evolved. It would be quite an undertaking to alter the core.


    While I’m not embarrassed by it I’ve wondered why they haven’t done more to “update” second life. But you have modern games which have been coded so poorly they won’t run on some of the newest tech. This isn’t an issue which is limited to just Second Life. I’m sure plenty of WoW users feel the same. It’s also a question of accessibility. While plenty of users are running Second Life on a toaster (there is nothing wrong with that) how many could afford to upgrade in the current market? If Second Life were to change overnight how many would get left out in the dark? People who pay for sims, lindens, membership even if they can’t enjoy it like someone using a high end rig.


    I do think Liden Labs needs to be more engaging with their community. What can they do better. How do we attract new users but when it comes to “changing” the code drastically... rather than move mountains it might be easier to make a new one. The answer isn't as easy as we think it should be.


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