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Everything posted by BabaChufty

  1. Thanks for the info. It is appreciated.
  2. Thanks for the reply. I guess really then what I am attempting to do is sell access to a file. If SL can read a private YouTube URL then my next issue would be trying to maintain that privacy of URL from other residents of SL without 'buying' this access.
  3. Sorry to be a pain, and I'm not sure if you would have an answer but.....if I have a YouTube channel and set the uploaded videos to PRIVATE, would SL still be able to access the file via the URL? I would not want anyone to access the file unless they had paid for it. Does that make sense?
  4. Oh such a shame. Thank you so much for your reply. It us greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi. I make videos using Adobe Premiere Pro. I would like to be able to sell my videos in SL. My main question is: is it possible to play a video just by putting a video file (.mov, mpg4 etc) into the contents of a prim. Ideally I'd like to sell the video files that people could play just by inserting them into a TV without a needed URL. I don't wish to use YouTube. Is this a possibility in SL? Appreciate any guidance. Regards Chris
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