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Bonemouse Bukowski

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Posts posted by Bonemouse Bukowski

  1. I think because they don't really read as "Shipping Container Homes" due to their shape, scale, cladding, and context?

    Even the smallest homes like the Denver would have combined at least 12-16 shipping containers and retained none of their inherent structure to make that size and shape. It is really hard to get something to read as a shipping container in Second Life because of the camera distance. You just have to scale everything up for it to be easily navigable. And, shipping containers are, by their nature, specifically shaped and a bit tight. Because of all that, they read more generally modern to me and many others.

    Also, shipping container homes in a planned community seems like an odd combination? Shipping container homes tend to be more of a niche home that stands in contrast to established communities. Or they are tiny homes set up on land that is not part of a planned community. So to me, the more the landscaping says homogenous, the less it says "shipping container."

    To be clear, I'm not intending to rip on the design. I'm just trying to explain why they are reading differently than intended.

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