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Everything posted by jaehyunne

  1. Thank you all for the feedback. I thought it would be easy
  2. Sadly, I don't have a stream yet but I'm using voice when singing 😟
  3. Hiya everyone, I'm looking for a venue to sing live and possibly earn lindens. I sing pop, Kpop Rob and other genres. I also enjoy doing karaokes. I want to perform and showcase my singing ability through this platform. If you know any venues that are needing or looking for aspiring singers kindly inform me. Thank you.
  4. This is my first time I encountered this log-in problem. My last login is last night and my location is in Asia. I'm spending so many hours how to figure out why I cannot log in. Please help me. The same message appears in any viewer I tried. I can't also login to secondlife.com its says "504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT". I tried also using other computer and mobile but still can't login. I wanna know if it has connection to my internet provider/secondlife problem. I also don't know how to send support ticket to second life directly so I dunno what to do with this problem. I wish someone can help me regarding this issue. Thank you. Login failed Despite our best efforts, something unexpected has gone wrong. Please check https:/isecondlife-status.statuspage.io to see if there is a known problem with the service If you continue to experience problems, please check your network and firewall setup.
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