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Posts posted by RobinChristanCallaway

  1. On 5/7/2022 at 4:18 PM, Love Zhaoying said:

    Idea for a business model: ban all buyers after purchase!  No bad reviews, no need  for customer service.

    How humorous, but allow me to quench your ignorance.
    Pretend for a moment if you will you make chairs.
    You take pictures of your chairs to advertise your chairs, you describe your chairs in great detail and you provide a free demo of your chairs.
    Now you have a customer buying your chair and leaving you a 1 star review because your chairs don't include a table, a rug, plates, glasses, cutlery a towel and a potted plant, because so they thought it was reasonably to assume a chair would include a whole dinning set despite the description and the advertising materials never mentioning or showing anything other than your chairs and your chairs only.
    This is the sort of thing I'm dealing with.

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    • Haha 1
  2. Is there a way to ban an avatar from purchasing items from your marketplace?
    It's terrible when people abuse the review system and weaponize it to hinder your market potential, doubly so when you offer free demos and they still "buy" them only to review bomb it, LL is mostly useless when it comes to this, for example, someone writes a negative review because an item is no mod, even if the description specifically says the item is no modifiable, when flagged such a comment is still allowed to stay up.
    LL has the foresight to disable the gift option from zero linden items, to prevent abuse on that regard, but they still leave the reviews on so individuals have nothing to lose.
    Other than that, they can still use low cost items to make your life misery, and if anything the ToS specifically says you are not allowed to relist an item.

    So I ask again, is there a way to flat out ban certain people from buying anything from your store, because having to deal with this kind of harassment is almost a full time job and the number one reason why almost no one has demos on their Marketplace or a Marketplace to begin with.

    • Haha 1
  3. 5 hours ago, blissfulbreeze said:

    Right, but not announcing a remake etc is not good business practice. He just wiped the sim, store and profile clean, not sending out a notice to his customers. :(

    I disagree considering how many people tried to make contact to get the Aeros Apollo for free because they had just (up to a couple of years back) got another Aeros non-bento model.
    Definitely not the worst business decision to pull everything down and start fresh, maybe even with a new brand. Remember, never buy anything banking on an update, always take it "as is" because updates might not ever come.

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  4. Hello everyone,

    I'm looking into updating all my passwords of everything I have (as per good security practices) I made my SL account a while ago now and I am wondering where could I look and maybe change the security question/answer. I can't seem to find it anywhere on the account dashboard and I would really like to make sure that is something I will know if I ever need it, is it even possible to change that?

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