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Posts posted by rambo2299

  1. oky i read this whole post but one thing which i don't understand in every job offering post >( not talking about just your post but including you ) 
    most people post alot of Duties like manging facebook mange discord manage sl mange sl event make new ideas manage other workers mange market place and much more duties and stay active most of time as well but but 

    when it come to pay they offer 1000L$ a week which is 4 Dollars weekly . sl is sl not rl but people give there rl time and efforts in sl so i don't understand why pay is always so low in jobs . for 10 differnts duties for one perosn daily and paying only 4 dollar or 2000 L$ which is 9 or 10 dollars weekly  weekly how does it sound fiar to people who post job offers . 

    again i am not talking about just you  only but i am including your post as well i saw this alot on every post mostly .  


    Hello, we are in search of a skilled landscaper and interior designer for three sims. We are seeking an experienced professional who excels in both areas. Once we are impressed by your work, we can discuss the details of time and payment.

    We would greatly appreciate it if you could share images of your previous work or provide links to your Facebook or Flickr posts. Additionally, we're more than happy to offer some references, themes, and ideas we have in mind. Your portfolio, coupled with our input, will help us create a design that truly resonates with the vision we have in mind

  3. 1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Morphed is when they stick your avatar face on a RL body.  I thought that fad went out several years ago, though.  I'm sure it's done with AI now.



    yes you are right morphed means using sl face in rl photos now days people do with Ai but not everyone use Ai for morphed alot of people use Ai for writing coding etc things . but you can  still see clients for morphed pictures  i done one  . Ai generate  pics but if you want exactly something made than you have to do it manually which take times . 

  4. Hello we can  do your profile picture done as you want . 

    here are some work samples 


     if you like and want us to do your profile picture

    here are basic prices 

    normal portrait 1k L$ 

    morphing portrait  picture 2k to 3500 L$ depending on work . 

    if you like the prices and want us to do your profile photo . 

    please send me notecard in second like my user name is same as it is here and than we can decide time and date

  5. easy job to make some L$ . 

    i will suggest you to try hosting at some good clubs . 

    club management  mostly are happy to teach new host or dj how to do there work and they always help . and i think this is easyest way to make some L$ with some fun also .

    some clubs also give classes to new host and dj . try hosting i am sure you will start making some extra L$ to pay your sl land rentor for  cloths etc .

  6. as i notice you said you are new to second life and you already looking for full time job . well here is few suggestion .

    try to tell people about your skills like what you can do what kind of skills you have and any example from real life work . this will help if some one  decide  to hire you . 

    2nd thing full time if you looking for full time job than second life is not right place . i know alot of skilled people in second life who do full time work but they are not making enough money for there self .they can't  even  pay there rent in real life.in second life you can do fun time job or part time to make some L$ to spend in sl only . 

    ( maybe few people don't agree with me because few people are making good money but they invest alot of money in second life or they spend alot of time to make there brand name in second life )

    hope this make some sense  . 

    3rd thing linden lab is hiring people who can make skins cloths .,texting ,Rigger content creator ETC and they will pay real salary  more details about this you can find on second life fb page . there you can apply if you looking for real job . 


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