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Kagura Xevion

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Posts posted by Kagura Xevion

  1. 15 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    It sounds like he de-rendered you and it stuck, which I didn't think was possible.

    Whatever the problem, it has to be in his viewer since others can see you. So, he should try using the SL Viewer and see if he sees you. (You didn't say which viewers you are both using so I am guessing with my suggestion. Whatever, he should try another viewer.) If that resolves the problem then he needs to do a clean install of the problem viewer. You seem new (1/8/22 forum) so search for [second life or Firestorm] viewer clean install. You'll find directions on how to do that.

    If changing viewers doesn't make a difference, that means the problem is in a setting saved server side. THAT... means, if he uses the SL Viewer, you'll have to get Linden help to chase down the setting and reset it. They should know which setting is likely the problem.

    If you are using Firestorm's Viewer go to the FS Support group and ask. They have good people but they also have novices that THINK they know what they are doing. Take their advice with some salt and be skeptical. Formatting your hard drive, reinstalling Windows... are all WAY over the top. This problem is most likely a setting or hiccup in his viewer.

    I am new to the forum yes. but not to SL. ive been on sl for 13 years. The next step is to uninstall and reinstall fire storm.i just figured i'd ask. Thanks for the help!! we shall give it a go :D


  2. 6 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    items are only possible to go to another resident if the creator made it transfer, otherwise it's not possible, and LL won't do it for you.
    I think it is possible to transfer a region 'as is '  but with the same limitation as in the first line, non transfer objects won't be owned by the new owner.

    Many regions are sold/transfered empty, i think you'l have to contact support for the exact answer.

    Some things also depend on what you plan, just a landtransfer or a ownership transfer.


    I'm not looking for the items to be transferred, I just want to make sure they don't like 'auto return' when the transfer is done. just land transfer, everything remains how it is and the same. To put it simply, it is a roleplay sim, and the build, terrain, groups, rentals, those are the same. We have some renters and the build, that we want to keep, we want to make sure it doesnt auto return. 


    Thanks so much for the feedback! it helps. 

  3. I have read over the page and understand about the fees and all of that. 


    My main concern is if we do a transfer from one account to another, is every object on that sim returned? What if it is deeded to a group that we both are apart of?


    I saw on the site about the back up and restore, is that about whats on the sim now? 

    Trying to wrap my head around everything and its a lot to read about. Fees i understand, just the items on it. it's staying exactly the same, the objects on it, the name, the rating, the prim count, is all the same. 

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