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Everything posted by ZoeLeiSummers

  1. Thanks for the replies. I have been on SL since 2007 and I know never to click unknown links or accept things from people I don't know. I have no idea how this happened. I did receive an email just recently with my password reset link. Again, I appreciate all your suggestions.
  2. A couple of days ago my other account was hacked. Someone bought gifts for people I don't know on the MP and drained my L$, then scheduled my account for deletion. I created a ticket and one of the Lindens got back to me yesterday asking my security question, which I answered. I tried to log in to the support site a few minutes ago to see if there were any updates and I can't log in. I knew my account had been suspended inworld but I was still able to log in to the support site. Now I can't do that and I have no idea what is going on or if I need to provide any more info. Has anyone had any experience with this? Is this normal?
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