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Ahri Suki

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Posts posted by Ahri Suki

  1. On 12/8/2021 at 12:49 AM, Alwin Alcott said:

    tell that when you get a request from their lawyers ..( that wont be a question about permission but a "invite"" to a court.)

    ánd it''s against TOS and guidelines...

    Rob Zombie is actually Quoted to have said of Rob Zombie in SL "This guy knows his Sh*t" There are plenty of Tribute Performers in SL who do this All the time and are NOT sued for doing what they do best. There is an old saying "Imitation is the Highest form of Flattery" And this was said by A Famous Vocal Impressionist. What We do as Kpop Performers is IMPRESSIONISM. Its an ART FORM.  We put TONS of hours into what we do, We slave over Costumes, trying to get them perfect so the audience gets what they came to see. Their favorite band performing live for them. And guess what? We may be the ONLY chance these people have to actually see their favorite band perform! Not everyone can drive hours to the nearest big city to see a big name talent. Consider handicapped People who cant make long trips. Or those who are shut-in, They have a right to entertainment as well as a healthy person! And We as Impressionism Artists give them this performance that they would on the other hand not have been able to see. Open Your mind and your heart to those who are practicing their craft for one. enjoying their art form for another, and to those who cannot enjoy a quality performance put on by the afformentioned artists. Because We are Artists, and Performers. We are Actors in Every sense of the word. Thank you for your consideration to my humble words.


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