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Posts posted by ethernauta

  1. I have a big problem with my av: for two days now I look like a cloud with only a few details visible and with two huds that I had before the accident and that do not appear in the list of wearing things. I can't wear or take off anything, or rather, if I wear something I see it in the list of wearing things and if I take it off it disappears, as if everything worked fine, but my appearance doesn't change, I remain a cloud and the two huds remain there. This happens with all the viewers I use. I've done numerous attempts (reset to default avatar, clear cache, uninstall and reinstall all viewers one at a time, rebacke, take of all items, undeform, and many other trials) but nothing happens. With my alts everything works perfectly. Can you please reset my avatar if it is possible? thank you
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