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Posts posted by keljee

  1. I'm sure this has been asked a hundred thousand times before, but I must not be a very good sleuth because I've yet to find an answer that satisfies my particular question. :(

    I'm currently in the process of trying to make my own personal use skin mod for the Maitreya body (specifically a furry-styled mod), using CSP to hand paint the textures and saving a local file to check my work in game.

    The problem I'm experiencing is seams, seams, seams! There are certain parts of the body where I'd like, for example, a gradiant to wrap around the bicep without a seamline very obviously ruining the illusion. This means I go back and forth after every paint stroke to check my work, and it still doesn't quite look right even after hours.

    I've heard tell of painting a basic texture using a 3D modeler and baking it out for further hand painting in a 2D program, but I haven't the first clue how to achieve that with the Lara body in particular.

    Any links to tutorials or tips would be greatly appreciated!!! 😭

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