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Doug Vanderbor

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Posts posted by Doug Vanderbor

  1. So, I started Second Life back in 2007/08 when it was really popular. I've been out for a long time but I keep my eye on it, just to see if Linden Labs have fixed the things that made it pretty much fail beyond what it is now.

    They've done a lot, but the foundation of Second Life is still creeky.

    Many people complain that Zuck and others are ignoring Second Life. Believe me when I say this, Zuck KNOWS about Second life. He's probably had an Avatar and played around with it. IF he thought Second life could be adapted for what he wants he would of brought a boatload of cash and bought it a LONG time ago.

    He hasn't.

    Ask yourself WHY?

    Because when Zuck did his due diligence (Cory probably told him all he needed to know)...and it wouldn't surprise me if at some point Facebook came and did a deep dive into the back end that they discovered:

    1. The code base is old and a MESS

    2. It doesn't Scale and CAN'T without completely re-writing the foundation code from scratch

    SL was about 20 years too early. The tech and cloud computing wasn't really at the point that they could realistically scale. Getting around that to even get a passable product required a LOT of band-aids, hacks and custom glue. All that crap is still there, you can't get rid of it cause it's like pulling a jengo piece out.

    I'd LOVE to see Second Life become what Zuck wants, but it's not happening.

    Oh, and I loath Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.

    • Thanks 1
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