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Posts posted by havvvah

  1. 13 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

    After importing it, resize it like you would with any other object in-world.

    It doesn't shrink as much as i would like to ...


    12 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Remember, however, that a vehicle cannot have a physics weight > 32, so just shrinking it may not be enough.

    What to do then? i'm lost... lol

    Maybe i can show in world?

  2. Hello, everyone, i  am looking for help because i would like to import a 3D car shape info SL but i really suck at it, when i import it, it's bigger than a house and it's around 600 prims heavy. lol

    I don't know how to make it lighter and smaller.

    Thank you

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