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Posts posted by SquiggIyMunchkin

  1. Hiya. This is Karla Marama :) .. (Couldn't get my account to work here so using an alt!) It was nice to talk to you. And, I'm happy you like my av! And, most of the replies were correct. Most of those ads are pretty old! Back then I wore Catwa. If you go back really far it was Catya by Catwa, and then after that I purchased Catwa's Daria head. Those were the only two I ever had. And, back when I wore Catwa I pretty much ONLY ever wore Mudskin skin. Nowadays I always try to mention where my head/skin is from on my Flickr! But, it's been Ceylon by Lelutka lately ❤️ (Saw someone mentioned this in the replies as well. Yep!) I usually wear Lara Hurley skin. .. And, lastly. I've never purchased a shape before in my many years of being in SL because that's my absolute favorite part about SL. Specially with bento now! Is, making my own shape completely custom. It's basically my starter shape modded and overwritten hundreds of times. Hope this all helps. 

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