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Everything posted by Jonhg1978

  1. Thanks I think I am getting closer, this is second script I make in SL so some things that should be simple are a little hard for me to understand. This will return a list I think llGetObjectDetails( UUID, [OBJECT_POS] but I need to isolate and pass as vector CAMERA_POSITION 13 vector position n/a n/a Sets camera position in region coordinates. I know in most scripting languages you can pick a number in a list or array something like listvariablename[1] Maybe I can put something in a loop that prints out all the list contents so I can figure out what position is the vector numbers I need?
  2. Thanks one very confusing thing about that function is CAMERA_FOCUS verus CAMERA_POSITION. They both seem to be asking for coordinates? Any guess on why it's asking for coordinates twice?
  3. Curious if it's possible to auto zoom in an an avatar via script kind of like how you can right click on a person's name is nearby people and click zoom in?
  4. I have the signature body and lelukta head. Everything looks fine until I try to add a hairbase and then it goes on the front of my face instead of my head, Any idea what can cause this or how to get support for lelukta heads?
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