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Posts posted by AikaFuwa25

  1. On 8/23/2021 at 10:59 PM, Bollycoco Dallas said:

    Je partage ton questionnaire avec ma communauté si cela peut aider sur Youtube et sur notre groupe Inworld ! Bon courage 


    Merci beaucoup d'avoir partagé mon questionnaire à votre communauté, j'ai pu récolter de nombreuses réponses très intéressantes grâce à cela.

    Merci beaucoup également d'avoir pris le temps d'y répondre, vos réponses m'ont été d'une très grande aide ! 

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  2. Hello everyone,

    I come back after a (very) long time. I don't think anyone is reading me now, but I still wanted to answer (although given the number of comments I couldn't answer all of them individually).

    First of all, despite all the negative (and often nasty) comments I thank you for your responses which, despite your feedback in the forum, were mostly serious and interesting.

    I still want to clarify that no, my thesis is NOT on SL. This study represents only a tiny part of my thesis which, after your return, has been reduced even more.

    I understand your nervousness about this questionnaire which, I admit, was not up to expectations. I did read your comments, though for the most part really mean, which helped me reshape a few things. Contrary to what you may think, my questionnaire didn't have as much negative feedback in my French version, so the language barrier has something to do with it as well.

    Anyway, thank you and sorry to all for bothered you with this survey.

    ps: regarding anonymity issues, I don't have any information about your identities. So if, from what you're telling me, this is false and I could indeed have them (don't worry, I'm absolutely not interested about that) I apologize too.

    Have a nice day, all the best.

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  3. Hello everyone !

    I'm a UI / UX master student and I am currently working on my end of study thesis on open world games. Part of my study involves the habits of players in the open world, and more particularly of Second Life.

    For that, I carried out a small questionnaire to better understand these habits and to analyze them.

    Thank you for your help ! 🙏

  4. Bonjour à tous !
    Je m'appelle Justine, enchantée ! 😁

    Je suis étudiante en master UI/UX et je travail actuellement sur mon mémoire sur les jeux en monde ouvert. Une partie de mon étude comporte sur les habitudes de joueurs en monde ouvert, et plus particulièrement de Second Life. 

    Pour cela, j'ai réalisé un petit questionnaire pour mieux comprendre ces habitudes et les analyser.

    Je vous remercie par avance pour votre aide ! 🙏

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