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Leigh Tharnaby

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Posts posted by Leigh Tharnaby

  1. 9 hours ago, Fionalein said:

    Paying less* for more usefull items (usually copy instead of trans) is not funny? Explain your logic please.

    *see @xAmbiguityx's list on how much the full set can end up costing you.

    Paying 4000L to buy one rare outright from the creator just so it can "hold it's value" isn't logical, there's my logic. Things I bought in SL for a lot of linden years ago (like the first feral avatars made) are now worthless, some don't even function any more! Same with early Arcade gachas. Worthless. Obsolete. No one wants them. They didn't hold their value at all. So why's it so important a gacha item now "keep it's value"? Who cares. It's like being mad the TV you got six months ago is now on sale.

    A fatpack is different! Fatpacks are going to cost you more based on how many items are in them - you got 40 items in there then yeah, it's gonna be expensive but you're getting every item, even the rares!

    The only reason I can see for trying to "have a rare keep its value" is to take advantage of more people. You have this fancy dress or fancy version of the basic avatar because it's the rare with a drop rate below 5%, people want it so they keep pumping more and more and more into the machine and getting more and more frustrated and fixated on getting that item. So if they throw it in the fatpack, everyone can have it but if they price it on its own at some ridiculous price or only put it in the tier or conveyor vendors, they can keep getting more lindens than it's worth.

    tl;dr - your virtual rares have no value. None. Tomorrow LL could break them all.

  2. 3 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    it's exactly that what needs control.
    Both showed clear that greed is a bad factor.

    from 40 commons  20 rares, 4 extra rare and 1 super rare ..and 75 pulls for the last...
    or worthless badly made commons, to just a color difference with the rares with the same template ( sometimes clearly from a 3rd party 3d site.... )

    Regulating by profession groups works seldom well... there needs to be one above. And not with the hardly working report by resident system.

    That's generous. I won't name the store but their gachas are so rigged that 75 pulls will get you 75 commons. You might be lucky and get a single uncommon but expect to pump 10,000 linden into that machine for a rare/super rare unless the gods are smiling on you. That's the real reason creators want to keep this going. Sorry to the stores that made fair gachas and didn't exploit people but now it has to stop. I loved gachas when the Arcade first opened but I quit playing them once it became less about a fun game and more about money and the value of rarity.

    If you're derailing by going "But trading cards" and "but 7Seas", cut it out.

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  3. No fairy tale this time.

    The gacha model of sales is done. Creators who used it to be exploitative killed it. Stop trying to save it.

    No one wants tier vendors where you have to buy a bunch of stuff you don't want to get the one thing you do.

    No one wants to waste their life away in front of a conveyor belt waiting for someone to buy the common so they can snag the rare behind it.

    Greed killed it. Let it die. Stop trying to point fingers at other things and go "ban them too". It's done.

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  4. Once upon a time, there was a cute little idea of paying a tiny amount of money and getting a surprise. What you got didn't matter because everything was good. You could even trade the items to get something you wanted more or chase "the rare" which you had a fair chance of getting ahold of. The people loved it and felt like they won every time, just a tiny bit of money and they had something they liked or could trade away. The creators could make small novelties for people to collect and hunt and the income was sustainable. All was good and the wise old Linden let it be.

    Then one day someone said "Why don't we create a special experience for getting the rare item? No one can have this experience unless they pull the rare". There were some hrms and hums of disapproval but they did it anyhow. Now the rare was special and everyone wanted it but everything else was still good, just not as good as it was before.

    Then one day someone said "Why don't we make it even harder to pull the rare and make all the commons very plain or less desirable colors? Then they'll play the machine more and more". There were loud hrms and hums of disapproval but they did it anyhow. Now the commons were near worthless and next to no one wanted them because that's all anyone got.

    Then one day someone said "Why don't we base the entire gacha around the rare? Why don't we make the rare first and make all the common items go with it? Then they'll keep playing until they get the rare". There were very loud hrms and hums of disapproval but they did it anyhow. Now the rare was needed to fully enjoy the other items and everyone had to have it. The other items were disappointing and in some cases, useless without the rare.

    Then one day someone said "Why don't we make it near impossible to get anything but commons so that only rares and uncommons are truly valuable? Instead of fun, let's make this about rarity value". There were angry hrms and hums of disapproval but they did it anyhow. Now next to no one got what they wanted unless they were fortunate and dumped a fortune into the machine. No one was happy but the creators making the money and of course the resellers who got those rares and changed serious bank for them.

    Then one day the law said "Hey, that's taking advantage of people and that's not cool. You can't do that. Those are all banned now." and the creators cried "What? But how will we make money now! What about the economy?" and then the wise old Linden swept down and told them "If you hadn't made you machines more and more of a money sink and used people unfairly, the law wouldn't exist. You took advantage of people and now, you ruined it for everyone. Now we have to take it away because you turned something that was fun into exploitation."

    And the lesson is...

    People will always find a way to ruin something for their own gain. This is why we can't have nice things.

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