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Elysienne Nebula

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Posts posted by Elysienne Nebula

  1. On 10/16/2021 at 12:17 AM, Faruline said:

    Hello! I've been on SL of less than a week and have finally gotten over the learning curve of customizing my persona using tools to properly explore the world, now I only need some friends to help me find some direction. My interests are almost as varied at the world of SL itself, and I think I'd have a good time doing just about anything. Music, dancing, events, BDSM, Nightlife, Food, Family life, and even finding work in SL seem like fun. I'd love to have someone to just run around and do some shopping with, or maybe even joining a group or organization of some sort. Anyways, age, sex, race, etc., don't matter as long as you know how to have a good time! I'd like to make friends that are around at least semi-regularly, as I'd be as well. I'd like to think I'm pretty fun to be around, and as long at you don't mind a noob like me tagging along, I'd think there would be a lot of fun to be had! Don't be afraid to IM me!

    (Name: Far (Faruline Resident))

    (KEY: secondlife:///app/agent/128d9c10-c12d-41a3-bb70-8d2cef635c63/about)



    Feel free to IM and add me.

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  2. On 10/8/2021 at 12:15 PM, Laurel Aurelia said:

    If I were going to suggest any flats , I would go with Reign's Jael shoes. They offer the most bang for your buck as far as different shoe heights, are simple and cute.



    Do you have the Marketplace url for these? 

  3. 20 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    People should learn to control their anger from external promptings. But they are not brought up any more by people, screens bring them up.

    The Myanmar government persecuted the Rohinga before there was an Internet, for example.

    Indeed. People today are acting as is Facebook and social media have created all these divisions. When what has really happened is social media has merely highlighted them. As usual, people want to shoot the messenger instead of taking a good collective look into the mirror. 

    The argument can be made that a company like Facebook profits from stoking the divisions to greater heights. Sure. That is valid. So we as a society take FB down for this and then what? We clap ourselves on the back for doing good, while we allow all the other companies and industries to continue to profit from hatred, division, and destruction. 

    Maybe I am wrong but it seems like we're just chasing our own tails when we criticize any media for reflecting back to us who and what we are. 

  4. On 10/2/2021 at 11:03 PM, firstea90 said:

    im looking for an avatar and new place. please tell me your rates. i had a stylist but she stole lindens from me. i'd like someone to help me with styles and hair and getting a new apartment as well by the 5th ?

    Rates? I can help you do all that for free. Styles and hair and all of that? I can show you a bunch of places where you can try a bunch of demos. As for apartment rentals, what are you looking for in terms of price, size and prims/object allowances? There are tons of real estate companies so it's easy enough to find what you want after some searching. 

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  5. On 10/4/2021 at 11:30 AM, Nick0678 said:

    Vaccinated or not you still spread the virus once you get infected.

    (In regards to abortions i already told my opinion two days ago.)

    What is often left out of the media-originated discussions, especially from the Delta wave, is that the chances of a vaccinated person catching COVID is far less than that of an unvaccinated person. Also, once a vaccinated person catches a breakthrough case, they tend to have far less serious disease, and the viral load is high for a shorter time. So even after infection, their chances to spread COVID are far less. We have mountains of data showing this. Now, after weeks of Delta, It's fair to say that the evidence is overwhelming.

  6. On 10/4/2021 at 12:20 PM, Nick0678 said:

    I am against restricting humans freedoms regardless. What people call public safety in the capitalistic countries i simply call it bs so you do realize i am not the right person to talk to about such stuff. 

    (Now in regards to religious notions etc ... well i am an atheist so don't really care.)

    Capitalistic countries?

    You mean there is another kind of country?

  7. On 10/2/2021 at 6:25 PM, xxVi3perxx said:

    The linden homes are always laggy, a friend of mine got one through her membership she can't stay for long without crashing and lagging so we stick to my homestead I guess its from textures being a bit laggy I know I can't load into my linden home and I am on a MacBook Pro 2015 SL always has lag when it comes to lots of objects being in a sim. My homestead a steady 25-30 fps while a linden membership home 5-10 fps. Even on my old desktop it was laggy at linden homes. Thus its a linden home texture issue is what I think.

    Yeah. I've only visited my Linden home 3 times. Who would have thought that the pre fabbed Linden home area would end up being the most horribly laggiest part of SL?  


  8. On 9/30/2021 at 8:55 AM, Luna Bliss said:

    I think it's good they removed smoking ads in the U.S.  How harmful does something have to be, or what factors should influence decisions, before society sanctions removal of ads and depictions?  For example, in SL we are allowed to depict smoking but not swastikas (at least I don't think we can depict the latter).  What makes the difference?

    The difference between depicting smoking and a swastika?

    The latter is an expression of support for a genocide that killed 12 million people (6 million of whom were Jewish).

    The former is a depiction of something that used to be widely popular in most Western countries. It has health risks to be sure but the act or depiction of the act of smoking doesn't in any way imply support for one of the worst genocides in human history. 

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  9. On 10/3/2021 at 1:08 AM, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

    Because you are either for it or not. There really is no middle ground when it comes to abortion.  The baby is either born or aborted. The reasons don't really matter.  Also people are judged solely for the fact that they either are for abortion or against it, the same as if they are democrat or republican.  It ends up being a S~T storm with no one changing anyone's mind on either side and just blathering on about why they are right.  That's why.  

    Most discussions are like that though.

    As for abortion and reproductive rights, there's not a lot of minds being changed because the sides have strawmanned each other's position. So, yes, they're not even addressing what the other side is really saying. 

    As for US Republicans and Democrats....I can't say I understand what the differences are beyond Republicans claim to be for small governance and less spending but end up spending a lot and making big governance...while Democrats say they're for humane governance and yet love to drone strike weddings and funerals in other countries. Both parties are bought and paid for by America's corporate oligarchs - the ones who use media to create partisan political sentiments so that you all fight each other, while they sell you the tools and weapons to do so. They don't care as long as you keep buying and consuming what they're selling you. If that means hate your neighbor, even better, because nothing sells like fear and hatred. Human fear is the perfect market - even better than sex. 

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  10. On 10/2/2021 at 3:35 PM, Arielle Popstar said:

    I wonder if the woman carrying the sign that says "Keep your laws off my body" uses it also at protests against vaccine mandates and vaccine passport requirements.

    It's a false equivalence to compare vaccine mandates with reproductive rights. One has to be very politically partisan - or heavily indoctrinated by the media one consumes - in order to confuse the two. 

    Deliberately not getting the vaccine is choosing to be a potential COVID carrier. I would call such a person an infectivist, because they're taking a pro-disease stance. As for mandates and passports.....*laughs in international traveler* 

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  11. There was one time I received a random friend request from someone when I was exploring a sim and checking Marketplace for something I liked. They then IMed me to say they liked what I was wearing. I checked their profile and it said "I don't accept random friend requests." Which I guess is technically not misleading in this case......but.........

    • Like 3
  12. 21 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    We see it that way because that is what we were taught in school. North, Central and South America. It is not the same thing as seeing Quebec as separate from Canada. Quebec is part of Canada, not a  separate country no matter how hard they wish it otherwise.

    Once I had an American explain it to me that it was because of language. North America is the English speaking part. If that is the case, North America is a much smaller place than national borders would have us believe. 

    As for Québec, the independence movement has cred here. In the past, it was people like them who stood up for canadiens (often called "French Canadians or canadiens-français) rights. Canada is a far different country nowadays where there is freedom for Québec to develop and thrive. The turning point was that people in Québec started using the democratic levers of power that they had formerly been told were not theirs to use. That said, Québec may not be a "separate country" - as in nation state - but it is a nation. Within a federation called Canada. 

    Sorry to all the either/or people whose bubbles just popped. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Orwar said:

       French Fries is something that very much exists outside of North America, even if the name isn't always the same. In France they're called pommes de terre frites or just pommes frites, which is what we call them here too. The Brits call them chips, the Dutch serve them with mussels, the Belgians claim it ought to be known as Belgian Fries (and also eat them with mussels, and probably will claim that's their thing too), the Germans boringly decided to kind of use the French word but made it sound a little more Deutsch, Fritten (or just 'Pommes'), rather than going for the much better word KARTOFFELKNÜPPEL. But they're not called 'French Fries' just for funsies, it's actually a French dish (or Belgian, but as everyone knows, Belgium is just a suburb to Luxembourg so who cares ^_^). 

    Indeed, the french fry is European. Though the potato comes from the Andes region (known as Tawantinsuyu in Quechua). In Québec we take fries, pour gravy on top, then add cheese curds. There are many variations but those are the basic elements. We call this poutine (put-sinn, not poo-teen).

    I also find it odd how some people say North America, because they assume, for whatever reason, that it's shorthand for the USA and Canada together - not understanding that North America includes Mexico (as well as Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, etc). 

  14. 23 hours ago, Gabriel Isodo said:

    Personaly I don't know the rules. There are as many rules as people. Sometimes I am welcome sometimes rejected. If I don't try interaction I am playing alone and in that case SL is useless. Such rules is like lottery. you can have chance or not.


    It's like RL that way, because it's people. Everyone has their own boundaries and those must be respected. If some people don't want to be bothered by interactions with others, let them be. If you are looking for interactions, go to places and events where residents gather and it's more expected to have interactions. 

    It's not really like the lottery. It's discernment and respect. 

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