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Posts posted by GIitterBomb

  1. So are they going to remove all of the ACTUAL gambling also? And what happens to the people whose livelihoods are dependent upon gacha? There are countries out there where having a skill in 3D or texturing or mesh has given people the opportunity (through Second Life specifically) to make a living when no other jobs were available. Once again Linden Labs seems blissfully unaware that their "product" is in fact an enormous social experiment and an entire other world. The regulations they so nonchalantly failed to specify were likely introduced to deter children from falling for addictive marketing practices. They could have and should have given more options. (You could require all gachas to have a disclaimer and to show the %s) (You could limit Gacha sales to people whose locations allow for gambling) (You could offer more like an ENTIRE YEAR for people to prepare and change instead of one month). 

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