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kiwi Wulluf

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Posts posted by kiwi Wulluf

  1. i'm not a gatcha critic, though i can see why they might genuinely cause problems with some. i do have some ideas though

    1) rather then ban them outright, could we put a limit on how many we can buy? for instance, one purchase per kiosk per day. or having only a limited amount available at any given time, say 100 per day

    2) make it so we can only buy them in packs of 7 or something. in RL, i'm much more likely to buy multiples of things like blind bags, then packs of something like football stickers or pokemon cards. while i could buy as many packs as i like, it's not left to me to decide exactly how many i need, since i can only but them in quantities of 10 or whatever the case may be. it's no longer possible for me to have just one, and unlikely for me to be left with left with duplicates (i know swapsies and reselling are things too. allot of the gatchas i have are from where friends have offloaded dupes to me, the rare bunnybean i wear now being one such case)

    3), this is my favourite; what often prevents me from indulging on gatcha-like venders  in RL is that fact that they often require a curtain coin. recently i've come across machines that offer small plastic sloths of llamas in exchange for 2 £1 coins. nothing else will do. you can't use cards, notes or any other combination of coins. it's like those coin crusher machines, where you often need a £1 coin as well as your penny, to crush

    what i'm thinking is venders where you can't buy with L$, but instead take some sort of gatcha token. these tokens are non transferable and have a daily cap. you can offer them as part of the premium membership too. combined with the multipack idea, we could thereby be limited to 5 packs of 10 items per day, which should be enough for anyone

    wouldn't something like this be better then an outright ban? as apposed to actual gambling, you do get something for you're money with gatchas. rather then spending L$1k on one avatar of a chosen colour or style, we can have 6 random L$150 avs to play with and still have change. we can buy one (or snag one from a friend) to see if we like it. while i can see how they could be genuinely addictive, it would be a massive bummer to see them go away entirely

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