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Doom Burton

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Posts posted by Doom Burton

  1. Nope... Resetting the microphone permissions does nothing... FIRESTORM is not prompting the OS for mic access, it's not a problem inside the MacOS.  The workaround only appears to be working for about 25% of users according to Mac users I've spoken with.  It doesn't work for me either.  Cult Leader re-posting the workaround that doesn't work for 75% of users doesn't help.  The answer was to revert back to the prior release of Firestorm.

    I've also learned that similar problems are now cropping up on windows machines.  Great QA Firestorm....

  2. The workaround is not working for me... Even after 3-4 tries.  I followed the procedures to the letter but haven't been able to get the viewer to prompt for mic access..  When I first log in and click to activate voice, voice will connect.  When clicking refresh voice will fail to connect and will continue to fail to connect every time I click the refresh button...  That might be part of the problem though I have no way around it.

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