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Posts posted by PatriciaBeckett

  1. The underwear is NOT an applier.  And yes, it seems to work fine just as system underwear.  I just lose that ability to turn on and off sections of the layer that comes with the layer HUD (as well as the cool features for tinting and glossiness control and all that).  But I'm coming to understand that this only works with applier underwear.  As I'm not wearing any applier layers, I don't need those layers -- they don't do anything for me.

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  2. Might have found the answer myself:

    "Most appliers should work on underwear layer. Be sure its not put invisible in the Maitreya HUD. The Maitreya body also comes supplied with a Zaara lingerie applier set. Be sure you are using an applier (a HUD that when you click on it, applies the layer) and not using a system cloth underwear (clothing object) as that last one will indeed only fit on cloth layer."




  3. I have some classic Hugo Designs underwear elements I'd like to wear with my Maitreya Lara v5 body.  I have BOM turned on, no alpha, all that.  Looks great!  I added the Tattoo/Underwear/Clothing layers that Maitreya delivers as separate objects.  The HUD now shows those three buttons on the Layers tab.

    So....now what?

    I add the underwear, and it looks great, but it doesn't seem to interact with the HUD in any way.  There is no dialog to ask which of the three layers to assign the underwear layer to.  There is no applier  for these system clothes -- just right click and "Add" (or "Wear" I suppose).  What am I missing?  Without an applier, how does the underwear get on the Underwear layer accessed through the HUD?

    I saw at least one forum post in which the person rolled their own applier using the Maitreya-provided script.  I'm sure it's easy enough to do, but is that how we're supposed to be doing it?

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