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Tenzin Knickers

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Posts posted by Tenzin Knickers

  1. 3 hours ago, Po1ice1 said:

    If you are interested in a more RP role as a K9 LEO working dog, the Jasper County Sheriff's Office would happily take your application to work alongside us ((I should introduce myself but I am the Operations Lieutenant for the Jasper County SO.)) While this is a more roleplay based role, we do offer a 10% discount on rentals ((If you would like to live by yourself)), and a bi-weekly L$ paycheck to all Public Service employees tiered by a pay scale ((It's not enough to equal RL paychecks but it can help pay for stuff and cover some costs)).

    I'm just happy to have gotten an actual answer! Even if it's not a job job, I'd still be willing to try it out; how would I go about getting an application?

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  2. ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┫┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓


    Hello! My name is Tenzin Knickers, but I much prefer going by my main avatar's name, Moose! I've been around SL for a long time, and actually quit for quite a few years previously, but I'm starting over from scratch and getting back into the swing of things. I'm currently looking for a place of employment so I don't go bankrupt trying to afford nice things for my friends and my own avatar(s). Plus, it'd be nice having something to do on the side other than wander about the vast region of Second Life with no real purpose. Heck, if this doesn't work out, full-on RP will probably be my next avenue. Anyway, I'm way more accustomed to my animal avatars, or more experienced playing as such characters when I'm not on SL, so I'd rather not stray from that path, please. For further reference, here's some important notes:

    Age: 21 years old

    Sex: Female

    Time Zone: EST / EDT

    Active Times: Currently ranges from 9 AM to 10 PM, or if I'm backward, 7 / 8 PM to 6 AM (I will be sure to let you know if I'm having issues!)

    Main / Base Avatar: TWI Timber Wolf

    Avatar Sex: Male

    Avatar Type: Feral (Technically furry)

    Screen / Display Name: Moose

    Seeking: I'm quite firm on using my main, Moose, to hold a job, but if it's absolutely necessary, I do have a Hellhund and a Hallowpup too. However, as it stands, Moose is the way to go. As for specificities on a job, I don't have a huge preference, but I am up for most things, including lewder venues!


    If you got an open spot and a need for a dog, maybe consider getting into contact with me. I sure know I'd love to hear from ya!



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  3. 11 hours ago, Quistess Alpha said:

    It should be the same as making clothing, just with the added hurdle that you will (probably) need to find a way to hide or remove the 'normal' version of the part, which is (obviously?) very part and avatar-model specific.

    True, but I assume it's possible! I'll just have to toy around and see what I can do.

  4. This should be the last post I need to make, hopefully. Unless I'm just terrible at wording further queries. I was trying to find out how to make 'replacement' parts for existing avatars. I was given access to one's devkit, but outside of clothing and animations, I wanted to take a shot at making completely new parts for it. Again, not very good at wording things, but good examples I can think of off the bat are Found Footage's TWI fuzzed parts, as well at the Hellhund's fuzzed mane and assorted head shapes, which all replace the normal parts with a small spot of modding. Any ideas?

  5. 4 hours ago, OptimoMaximo said:

    First off, and perhaps is a mistype, the animation formats for SL, exported by Avastar, are either bvh or anim. Xml is used for avatar shapes.

    Then, if you want to make animations for humanoid type of avatar that aren't based exactly on the default human avatar, you're better off by animating with a devkit. The differences in proportions, and sometimes the actual joint positions, may represent a quite hard time getting motions translate nicely to SL.

    Ah, I see. Not a mistype, just pretty clueless, unfortunately. I probably never would've gotten anywhere further without asking (and without getting the sleep I needed). Regardless, I'll probably see if I can get the mentioned Qavimator going, or maybe even try and get a hold of the avatar's maker for its devkit. Latter might be the better option since it'd probably give me more control, plus I can make more than just animations.

    9 hours ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

    Start off with Qavimator, it's simpler and doesn't include the bento bones so as a learning-tool it's ideal.

    You'll need to get a login to the beta grid to upload and test your bvh files without incurring costs (trivial I know, but I often go through 5-10 iterations before I get a result I'm happy with)


    Sounds good to me! I'll look into it here in a bit. Thanks for the suggestion!

  6. Apologies, I have no idea how to begin wording my question for the title since I've racked my brain trying to think of any possible combination to get my answer before caving.

    Basically, I want to know how to make animations for existing avatars, in my case, I'm trying to make a custom animation for my Hallowpup dude. I have Avastar, but when I try to import the .xml from the game to Blender, it just gives me a rigged humanoid model. I'm a complete newbie at making animations, especially in the sense where I want to make them for TWI, M.O.R, or any other existing feral avatars, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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